EXECUTION-- Reissue the mask with the
Not properly performing this step will cause the risk
components to the troops who assembles the mask in
of contaminating troops when reissuing masks at the
the assembly area. Individuals pick up individual gear
reissue point. Even though the step is done correctly,
and move it to postdecon assembly area.
there is still a possible danger when many masks are
stacked together. Small amounts of residual vapor from
each mask can become potentially dangerous.
Three lines are established when setting up for
Station 8--Reissue Point
Performing this step will ensure that you receive
all of your individual gear and your protective mask
contamination line (VCL). It is critical that
with all the components.
contamination is maintained at each line and does
not cross each line. Eight stations are used for
PREPARATION-- You will need the protective
detailed troop decon. Table 6-5 is a company level
mask PLL parts. The unit supply company and chemical
detailed troop personnel and equipment recapitula-
POIC set up the reissue point to provide the troops with
tion for each station.
replacement parts and assist in mask maintenance.
Table 6-5.--Detailed Troop Decon Personnel and Equipment Recapitulation