and DTD. The COC has prioritized the vehicles for
When using the chemical agent monitor (CAM),
processing, sending the most important first.
such as the M256A1, ensure there is sufficient
Communication is maintained between the predecon
distance between vehicles. If the vehicles are parked
staging area and the POIC. All assistant vehicle
too close together, vapor drift from contaminated
drivers are the first individuals sent through the DTD
vehicles may falsely identify uncontaminated vehicles
to ensure there is a driver exchange at station 3 of the
as contaminated.
27-series or AN/PDR-43 radiac detectors. If the
vehicle only has isolated areas of contamination, use
The company assembles in the postdecon
a portable decontaminating apparatus (M11) to
assembly area after completing DTD and DED
decontaminate the chemically contaminated area.
operations. The unit occupies this area before moving
Vehicles found to have no contamination are sent to
to a reconstitution location. The decon POIC will
the reconstitution assembly area.
select the general location. It should be big enough to
hold the entire unit undergoing thorough
Crews Dismount
decontamination with proper cover and concealment.
The assembly area should be located approximately 1
The vehicle crews, except drivers, dismount. As
kilometer upwind from the DED and DTD.
the crews dismount, they remove all equipment from
the top of the vehicles. Once crew members have
exited the vehicle, they will not reenter. This prevents
Removing contaminated MOPP gear, including
the protective mask, is the major action in detailed
vehicle interior.
troop decon. If DTD is not performed, chemical
agents may eventually penetrate the overgarment and
Prepare Vehicles
contaminate underclothing or skin. How long the
chemical agent will take to penetrate the clothing
The crews prepare their vehicles for processing
depends on the condition of the MOPP gear and the
through the detailed equipment decon (DED). All
amount of agent on the gear. If contaminated with
heavy mud and debris are removed from the vehicle
by the crew. The crew should concentrate on the
until removed.
vehicle undercarriage. The reason for this is twofold:
(1) contamination will most likely collect here and
The contaminated unit is responsible for setting up,
(2) the undercarriage is the hardest place to
operating, and closing the DTD in a thorough decon site.
decontaminate. Tools used by the crew are placed
The CBR officer recommends to the COC the general
back on the vehicle when finished.
location of the DTD within the decon site. He or she will
also provide the COC technical advice on the setup, the
Seat covers (when applicable), canvas items,
operation, and the closure of the DTD.
camouflage netting, and any other materials that can
The DTD has eight stations. The following pages
discuss actions at each station and the resources
vehicle. These items create a potential transfer hazard
provides guidance on hard-to-decon items. Left
Station 1--Individual Gear Decon
untreated, absorbed chemical agents will desorb after
Actions at this station remove contamination to a
being decontaminated and create a vapor hazard.
negligible risk level from individual equipment (782
Items that cannot be decontaminated by the standard
gear, mask carrier, helmet, and weapon).
methods used in detailed troop decon (DTD) are also
removed and placed at a collection point.
PREPARATION-- The following equipment and
supplies are recommended for station 1:
Move To DED and DTD
Three 30-gallon containers
In coordination with the decon petty officer in
Two long-handled brushes
charge (POIC), the contaminated unit will begin to
Sufficient supertropical bleach (STB) slurry mix
send contaminated vehicles and personnel to the DED