Figure 6-7.--Detailed troop decon layout.
gear and takes the decontaminated equipment to the
Two ponchos or plastic tarps
check station. He or she also prepares new slurry
Dig a sump 6 feet square and 4 feet deep. Place
mixtures of STB as necessary. One troop remains at
Fill two cans with an STB slurry mixture. The other
of decontamination, using the detection equipment.
One troop transports the decontaminated gear to the
can is filled with clean water for the rinse. Place two
reissue station.
long-handled brushes at each can of the STB slurry.
To prepare the slurry, mix 100 pounds of STB with
EXECUTION-- Decontaminate the gloves with
20 gallons of hot water. Change the mixture after 20
the water or STB slurry mix. If wearing the M24,
troops have decontaminated their gear. Change the rinse
M25A1, or M42 mask, use hot, soapy water and
water after every 10 troops or when it appears dirty.
sponge or STB dry mix to decontaminate the hose and
canister. Decontaminate the gear by washing it in the
Place a poncho or plastic tarpon the ground at the
decontaminant container and scrubbing the gear for 6
checkpoint. Divide the poncho or tarp in half, using
minutes. Then dip the gear into the rinse water for 4
minutes. The station attendant will take the gear to the
The checkpoint will beat a minimum of three meters
equipment checkpoint. Place the decontaminated
from all other stations. This will ensure a true reading
gear on the "dirty" side of the contamination
on the detection equipment. Place the following
control line (CCL). The monitor checks the gear for
chemical detection/identification equipment at the
contamination using the appropriate detection
check station for an average company-sized unit:
devices. The monitor holds the detection device 1
inch from the gear and checks for residual
Eight books of M8 chemical detector paper
contamination. If the residual contamination
exceeds negligible risks, recycle the gear and
Four M256-series chemical agent detector kits
decontaminate it again. If the gear passes the check,
One hundred plastic trash bags
control line. An attendant carries the equipment to
Three troops are required to operate this station.
the reissue point.
One supervises the decontamination of the individual