The entries listed in this appendix are terms as they are used in this NRTC.
multiple-address document. These addressees are
ACCOUNTABILITY--The obligation, which is
imposed upon any person who is authorized to
selected on a need-to-act or need-to-know basis.
EQUIPAGE--Any items of a durable nature that are
produce the property or the evidence of its
not consumed in use and are essential to the
authorized disposition when directed by proper
command's mission. An allowed quantity is usually
authority or upon proper occasion.
determined on an individual command basis and is
contained in an allowance parts list, an allowance
The material that is purchased by a bureau or a
equipage list, or a similar list. It does not include
command and is already charged to appropriated
installed equipment.
funds. The material is available for issue to end
FUND CODE--A two-character code used to cite the
appropriate accounting data on requisitions.
BACKORDER--A requisition that cannot be filled by
the supply activity from current stock and is being
INSTRUCTION--A directive containing authority or
held until additional stock is received.
information having continuing reference value or
requiring continuing action. It remains in effect
CANCELLATION--A total or partial discontinuance
until superseded or otherwise canceled by the
of a supply action requested by the requisitioner and
originator or by higher authority.
confirmed by the supplier.
COGNIZANCE SYMBOL--A two-character
manager that has cognizance or control of material
symbol that designates the stores account in which
for specifications, procurement, and stocking. It
the material is carried and the responsible inventory
control point.
may be either a Navy or Defense activity.
CONTROLLED EQUIPAGE--Any selected items of
ISSUE--The expenditure of material from the supply
equipage that require increased management
officer's custody to command use.
control due to high cost, vulnerability to pilferage,
NOTICE--A directive of a one-time or brief nature. It
or essentiality to the command's mission.
has a self-canceling provision and the same force
CUSTODY--The responsibility for proper care,
and effect as an instruction. It usually remains in
stowage, use, and records of Navy material.
effect for less than 6 months, but it is not permitted
to remain in effect for longer than 1 year.
DIRECTIVE--An instruction (order), a notice
(bulletin), or a change transmittal. It prescribes or
OPERATING TARGET--The obligational authority,
establishes policy, organization, conduct, methods,
which is granted by a type commander to ships and
or procedures; requires actions or sets forth
commands under his control, to cite his allotment in
information essential to the effective administration
procuring materials and services. Instructions and
or operation of activities concerned; or contains
limitations are provided by each type commander.
authority or information that must be promulgated
PRIORITY--A numerical designation assigned to a
requisition by the requisitioner. It is used to
establish the processing time for the requisition and
procedures and formats used to promulgate policy,
the anticipated delivery time for the material.
procedures, and informational releases within the
Department of the Navy.
M E N T S Y S T E M ( RO L M S ) -- D a t a b a s e
DISTRIBUTION LIST--A list of action and
i n f o r m a t i o n a d d r e s s e e s o f a d i r e c t ive o r a
management system.