C o nv e n t i o n a l A m m u n i t i o n I n t e g r a t e d
For further information on BATS, refer to Mine
Components, Description and Class-B Criteria,
Management System [CAIMS]).
SW550-AA-MMI-010, appendix A.
6. Provide a basis for adjusting financial balances
in inventory control files.
The rest of this section describes some of the
An inventory is a method of verifying the accuracy
inventories you will be involved with at your
of, or reconciling the difference between, receipt and
expenditure transactions. Inventories verify that stocks
R A N D O M - S A M P L E I N V E N TO RY . --
are maintained at allowance levels and are accurately
Random-sample inventories are used to verify
recorded on the stock record files.
Ideally, each command should seek to achieve a
one-twelfth inventory. In the main random-sample
1 0 0 p e r c e n t s t o c k va l i d i t y o n e a c h i nve n t o r y
inventory, all items in stock are eligible to be counted
conducted. This is accomplished by accurate and
and must have an equal chance of being selected. The
timely posting of receipts and expenditures to the
initial item is selected from the first 20 cards and then
applicable stock record.
every 20th card thereafter. In other words, if you pick
the 15th item, then after that you pick the 35th, the
T h e r e s u l t s o f i nve n t o r i e s a r e r e p o r t e d t o
55th, the 75th, and so forth.
COMOMAG each month, and a stock validity of 90
percent is acceptable. Anything less than this
S E L E C T E D - I T E M I N V E N TO RY . -- T h e
percentage must be reported with the reasons for the
selected-item inventory is designed to be used on
unacceptable validity and with corrective actions taken
certain fast-moving or frequently demanded items. It
to remedy the situation.
tests the readiness of the supply department by
ensuring that there are sufficient quantities of material
A physical inventory of 100 percent of on-hand
to build up your command's weapons.
stock must be completed each year. In addition to that
requirement and to the below-listed inventories, a
M O N T H LY O N E - T W E L F T H I N V E N -
complete inventory of any item is held each time there
T O R Y . -- The monthly one-twelfth inventory is
is an issue or a receipt of that item. The results of this
accomplished by preparing inventory cards and
inventory are noted in the upper-right corner of the
dividing them by 12 equal sections. One of these
receipt document or in block 11 of DD Form 1250-1.
sections is used to complete the inventory each month.
When the transaction is posted to the applicable stock
You must remember to update the inventory cards as
record, the inventory is verified.
items are added to or deleted from your command's
Inventory Types
Inventory Records
The term inventory refers to the quantity of
on-hand stock that is maintained on the stock record. A
Once the inventory has been completed, all efforts
physical inventory of these items is required for proper
must be made to correct any discrepancies before
i nve n t o r y c o n t r o l . O t h e r g o a l s t h a t s h o u l d b e
recording the results of the inventory. The results are
accomplished during an inventory are as follows:
posted to the applicable stock record file, located in
ROLMS, in red and all records are maintained.
1. Reconcile differences between the actual count
and the stock record count.
Material Lost or Gained by Inventory
2. Stop reoccurring discrepancies by effecting
When a physical count of material shows a
quantity difference between the stock record and the
3. Determine stock deficiencies that require
actual count, it is called either a loss by inventory (LBI)
corrective action.
or a gain by inventory (GBI). A loss or a gain must be
4. Ensure that material is correctly identified,
reviewed carefully to ensure that the suspected loss or
properly stowed, packaged, and preserved.
gain is valid and that later inventories will not show the
5. Update location and other management data in
count difference to be the same as the loss or the gain
s t o c k a n d l o c a t o r r e c o r d s . ( RO L M S t o
made in a previous inventory.