To obtain clearance and to provide advance
Transportation Control and Movement
notice to intermediate transshipment points that
a shipment is to be expected.
In any material transportation system, there is a
requirement for certain basic information and data.
To provide the information required to trace a
This is accomplished by using a single,
comprehensive, control document, the Transportation
Control and Movement Document (DD Form 1348), as
When an activity uses DD Form 1348, one copy of
shown in figure 2-12. The shipper is responsible for the
each DD Form 1348-1 associated with the shipment (in
preparation of this document in its various forms and
addition to the DD Form 1348-1 expenditure file)
formats, including message format.
should be filed with the TCMD. All forms associated
with a shipment should be placed in a folder and filed
The transportation control and movement
numerically in TCMD-document-number sequence.
document (TCMD) is a multipurpose document or
format that is designed for the following purposes:
Transportation Control Number
To identify the material in a shipment and to
The transportation control number (TCN) is the
indicate the necessary transportation data. It
basic element in the MILSTAMP system. A number is
t a ke s t h e p l a c e o f a i r b i l l s , N av y c a rg o
documents, and material-routing sheets.
assigned to each shipment unit for the shipment control
Figure 2-12.--Transportation Control and Movement Document , DD Form 1348.