from origin to destination. To avoid duplicate number
assignment, construct TCNs as follows:
spares and repair parts must be stocked to the levels set
If the shipment is a fulfillment of the MILSTRIP
by the mine bill of material (MBOM). Requisitions are
requisition, the MILSTRIP requisition number
submitted promptly for any issue or expenditure of
and the three alphabetic characters assigned by
material that may reduce your stock below the
the command become the TCN. The alphabetic
allowance quantity. If you are in excess of allowance,
characters identify complete, partial, or split
the material is either reported and turned in to the
shipments. Complete shipments are indicated by
appropriate inventory manager or is made available for
redistribution according to the proper directives.
If the shipment is non-MILSTRIP, the shipping
ET Mines and Components
activity assigns the TCN. The TCN can be
derived by referring to appendix C of DODINST
The allowance for ET mines and their components
is contained in Mine Warfare Exercise and Training
( E T ) E x e r c i s e a n d Tr a i n i n g ( E T ) P ro g r a m
Management, COMOMAG 8550.16. Any unit or
detachment that maintains ET mines must maintain
The primary function of any supply organization is
stocks to the levels established in the MBOM. As with
to ensure the availability of materials in the proper
service mines and components, if your allowance falls
amount, at the proper place, and at the proper time. To
below the MBOM allowance, you must promptly
accomplish this, continuous and judicious
submit a requisition to order up to your established
management of materials must be exercised.
Inventory requires the control of, and agreement
At times, you may become in excess of allowance
between, stock and stock records, accurate allowance
in ET material because training exercises are canceled.
lists, evaluation of material usage, and anticipation of
If this occurs, you may obtain permission from
future requirements. In addition, reports must reflect
COMOMAG to retain the excess material on board.
accurate information so that Navy inventory managers
The request must be fully justified, and the projected
can provide for future requirements.
date that your stock levels will be reduced to allowance
levels must be provided.
This section discusses allowance lists, records and
fi l e s , i nve n t o r y a n d s t o c k va l i d i t y, i nve n t o r y
Stock records are essential for the inventory
management of an activity. Without stock records, it is
impossible to maintain an adequate stock of materials
necessary for the operation and mission of the activity.
Allowance lists itemize the material requirements
Battery Acquisition Transactions Systems
of an activity. They are used extensively to identify and
procure repair parts, equipage, and consumable
Battery Acquisition Transactions Systems (BATS)
materials necessary to maintain and support an
98 is an automated computer program. BATS is used as
activity's mission. You, as the supervisor, will be
dealing with allowances for service mines and mine
developed to eliminate the Y2K problems found in
components and ET mines and their components. As a
earlier editions of BATS and uses actual calendar
person assigned to the supply department, it is your
dates. This improves battery life calculations over the
responsibility to inform your supervisor at the time of
old method of 1 year equaling 12 months of 30 days
issue of any item that falls below the minimum
each. BATS 98 operates in Microsoft Windows 95, 98,
required allowance.
or NT 4.0 (License is not required). It automatically
ages its inventory of batteries on a daily basis; and
Service Mines and Components
based on temperature and storage use, it provides a
means of estimating future inventory requirements by
The allowance for service mines and their
calculating the useful life of a battery lot.
components is established by Service Mines