Once the loss or the gain has been verified and has
appropriate nomenclature and identification numbers
been considered a minor difference, an adjustment
(NSN, NICN). Material that is not properly identified
NAVSUP Form 1250 is prepared according to
can cause delays in issues and inventories.
NAVSUP P-485, and the quantity difference is then
Material Location
posted to the applicable stock record. If it is decided
that there is a major difference, it must be determined if
The location of each item in stock is maintained in
the material is to be reported on an M-L-S-R
a supply department file. Each item is assigned a row,
government property report or is to be surveyed.
an aisle, or a bin number. This item location number is
maintained in the ROLMS data base and is used for
locating the material for issues and inventories, and for
All updated and receipt documents must be
stowing new material when received.
collected and posted to the applicable stock record
If, for any reason, it is necessary to relocate
before the start of the inventory. A quality assurance
material, you need to ensure that the following actions
inspector and a member from the supply department
are taken:
review all discrepancies from the previous month to
Protect the material from loss or damage during
e n s u r e t h a t t h ey h ave b e e n c o r r e c t e d . T h e s e
discrepancies should be resolved, if possible. If they
cannot be resolved, the discrepancies are recorded on a
Stow the material properly in the new location.
separate sheet of the inventory report and the reasons
are given as to why they were not corrected.
R e c o r d t h e n ew l o c a t i o n p r o m p t l y a n d
accurately in the ROLMS data base.
Since inventories are conducted to ensure that the
data base files agree, it is extremely important that all
You must always remember that the accuracy of
i nv e n t o r i e s b e c o n d u c t e d s y s t e m a t i c a l l y a n d
responsibly. Keep in mind the importance of a
accuracy of your inventories reflects on the condition
complete and accurate inventory to reduce errors. For
of your supply department.
each item to be inventoried, personnel involved must:
identify each item legibly by stock number, part
number, MMC, or Navy ammunition logistics
code (NALC);
check each item for proper packaging or
CAIMS is an information system designed to
provide a comprehensive and timely response to the
readiness needs of the Navy. The system is based on the
count each item carefully and record it
u s e o f l a rg e - s c a l e , a u t o m a t e d d a t a - p r o c e s s i n g
accurately on the inventory document;
equipment to provide immediate retrieval and daily
record correctly the units of issue (es, pr, bx,
updating of the conventional ammunition database.
The primary goal of the supply system for
attach the proper MIL-STD tag to each item with
conventional naval ammunition is to provide rapid and
the correct identifying information; and
efficient response to the operational requirements of
the users of naval ammunition. This goal can only be
record the actual location of the item on the
achieved when you, the requisitioner, and the stocking
inventory document.
p o i n t s f o l l ow t h e s t a n d a r d p r o c e d u r e s f o r t h e
This section does not cover all aspects of
preparation and transmission of requisitions and the
i nv e n t o r i e s . T h e u s e o f NAV S U P P - 4 8 5 a n d
proper reporting procedures.
COMOMAG/MOMAUINST 4000.1 is essential in
properly conducting your inventories.
Material Identification
Any action that affects the on-hand quantity of
Care must be taken to ensure that each item in
your command's reportable assets (such as issues,
stowage is legibly marked, tagged, or labeled with the
receipts, expenditures, or inventory losses or gains) are