test should be set aside for an additional 24 hours and
revised methods, practices, or procedures; therefore,
you need to ensure that you are studying the latest
Anytime a battery is thawed from a frozen state, a
minimum of 2 months should be added to the effective
storage time on the battery history card. If the battery
for Handling, Storing, Production, Renovation, and
remains thawed for more than 2 months, the time added
Shipping, NAVSEA OP 5, Vol. 1, Naval Sea
to the battery history card should be the actual time,
Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1990.
multiplied by the appropriate factor from the effective
Handling, Packaging, Storing, and Transportation of
s t o r a g e t i m e fa c t o r s i n NAV S E A S W 5 5 0 - A A -
Shore-Based/Shipboard Operations, NAVSEA
For further information on battery storage, battery
S W 0 2 3 - M 3 - W H S - 0 1 0 , N ava l S e a S y s t e m s
thaw procedures, and battery effective storage time,
Command, Washington, DC, 1990.
refer to NAVSEA SW550-AA-MMI-010.
Mine Components A through C; Description and
Class-B Criteria, NAVSEA SW550-AA-MMI-
010, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington,
DC, 1988.
NOTE: Although the following references were
c u r r e n t w h e n t h i s N RT C wa s p u b l i s h e d , t h e i r
Underwater Mine Maintenance System, NAVSEA
continued currency cannot be assured. When
S W 5 5 0 - F O - P M S - 0 1 0 , N ava l S e a S y s t e m s
consulting these references, keep in mind that they
Command, Washington, DC, 1990.
may have been revised to reflect new technology or