Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
1. Recognize the proper handling and storage of mines and explosive materials.
2. D e t e r m i n e t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s , p r i n c i p l e s , a n d a p p l i c a t i o n s n e c e s s a r y f o r t h e
quantity-distance requirements of an operating building and storage area.
3. Differentiate between the various types of handling gear and their uses in handling
explosive-loaded mines.
E x p l o s ive d ev i c e s , r a n g i n g f r o m m i n e s t o
This chapter discusses safety during mine
initiating devices, are dangerous and are designed for
handling and storage, quantity-distance requirements,
specific purposes. When explosive devices are
and handling equipment.
manufactured, every effort is made to ensure that they
are as safe as possible when they are handled. But,
even the least-sensitive explosives can detonate if they
are subjected to careless or improper handling. Any
It is crucial that all personnel who handle or
negligence can result in equipment damage, personnel
transport or are involved in the storage of explosives
injuries, and/or loss of life.
and other hazardous materials think, act, and live safety
The history of accidents involving ammunition
so that it becomes instinctive.
and explosives illustrates that avoidable circumstances
existed in practically every incident where the cause
Accidents are usually the result of failure to follow
could be determined. Complete understanding and
regulations, failure to understand hazards, or failure to
strict observance of prescribed safety regulations are
take necessary precautions. In each of these cases,
necessary to eliminate unsafe acts and conditions that
can cause preventable accidents. Tasks performed
poor judgment. All personnel must realize that when
repeatedly, no matter how dangerous, are likely to
they do not follow safety regulations, they not only
become routine and lead to carelessness. Therefore,
endanger their own lives but also the lives of their
constant alertness on the part of all personnel and
fellow workers. In the Navy, the responsibility for
intelligent, close supervision by supervisors are
safety is an all-hands effort. This section addresses
required to help prevent accidents. The most important
these responsibilities.
areas to consider are handling and storage of
ammunition and explosives.
A l l a m m u n i t i o n a n d ex p l o s ive s m u s t b e
maintained in a high state of readiness at all times. In
All personnel, engaged in operations involving the
a d d i t i o n t o p r o p e r p r e p a r a t i o n , a s s e m b l y, a n d
maintenance, ammunition and explosives must be
in all phases of the work they will perform. In addition,
handled and stored with extreme caution. Strict
you must make them aware of the proper methods for
compliance with all prescribed safety standards,
performing tasks within their work area. Included in
regulations, and procedures must be observed and
their training must be instructions in the following
enforced. Safety is always the first priority in any
operation involving handling and storing ammunition,
Recognizing magazine identification markings
explosives, and other hazardous materials.