Vertical lines are usually drawn in an upwarddirection, moving from left to right across thedrawing. However, when you have to draw anumber of vertical lines or lines slanted in thesame direction, the way you draw them will begoverned by the source of your light and the wayyou have found that you can draw vertical lineswith greatest control.Let the first lines dry before starting to drawany intersecting lines. Watch carefully when youdraw one line across another line. You vary thethickness of ink lines by selecting a pen unit thatmatches your desired application and/or lineconvention.The order generally recommended for inkingis as follows:1. Inking of a drawing must start from thetop of the paper and progress toward the bottom.2. Start inking all arcs of circles, fillets,rounds, small circles, large circles, and othercompass-drawn lines.3. Ink all irregular curves, using a frenchcurve or a spline as a guide.4. Ink all thick horizontal lines, then allmedium and thin lines.5. Start at the left edge and ink the thick first,the medium next, and finally the thin vertical linesfrom left to right.6. Follow the same procedure described in (4)and (5) for slanting.7. Ink section lines, dimensions, andarrowheads.8. Ink notes and title, meridian symbol, andgraphic scales.9. Ink borders and check inked drawing forcompleteness.10. Use an art gum or a kneaded eraser toerase pencil marks or for final cleanup of thedrawing.LETTERINGThe information that a drawing must presentcannot be revealed by graphic shapes and linesalone. To make a drawing informative andcomplete, you must include lettering in theform of dimensions, notes, legends, and titles.Lettering can either enhance your drawing bymaking it simple to interpret and pleasant to lookat, or it can ruin your drawing by making itdifficult to read and unsightly in appearance.Therefore, it is essential that you master thetechniques and skills required for neat, legiblelettering.FREEHAND LETTERINGAs you work with experienced draftsmen, youwill notice that their freehand lettering adds styleand individuality to their work. They take greatpride in their freehand lettering ability. Bylearning basic letter forms and with constantpractice, you will soon be able to do a creditablejob of lettering and acquire your own style andindividuality. Anyone who can write can learn toletter. As you practice you will steadily improveboth your style and the speed with which you canletter neatly. Don’t give up if your first attemptsdo not produce neat lettering. Don’t be afraid toask your supervisor for a few pointers.An understanding of the letter shapes and theability to visualize them can be accomplished bydrawing them until the muscles of your hand areaccustomed to the pattern of the strokes thatmake up the letters. You should be able to drawgood letters without consciously thinking of thispattern.Your position and how you hold your pencilwill greatly affect your lettering. You shouldsit up straight and rest your forearm on thedrawing board or table. Hold the pencil betweenthe thumb, forefinger, and second finger; the thirdand fourth fingers and the ball of the palm reston the drawing sheet. Do not grip the penciltightly. A tight grip will cramp the muscles in yourfingers, causing you to lose control. If you get“writer’s cramp” easily, you are probably holdingyour pencil too tightly. The pencil should be keptsharpened to produce uniform line weights. Aconical-shaped pencil point works best for mostlettering. Usually, an F or H pencil is used forlettering. A pencil that is too hard may cut intothe paper, or it may produce lettering that willnot reproduce easily. A pencil that is too soft willrequire frequent sharpening, and it will producelettering that may smear easily on a drawing.GUIDELINESFigure 3-42, view A, shows the use of lightpencil lines called guidelines. Guidelines ensureconsistency in the size of the letter characters. Ifyour lettering consists of capitals, draw only thecap line and base line. If lowercase letters areincluded as well, draw the waist line and dropline.The waist line indicates the upper limit of thelowercase letters. The ascender is the part of thelowercase letter that extends above the body ofthe letter; for example, the dot portion of the3-28
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