Figure 5-12.-American standard arrangement of views in a six-view third-angle multi-view projection.view always lies in the plane of the drafting surface anddoes not require any rotation. Notice that the front, rightside, left side, and rear views lineup in direct horizontalprojection.Use the minimum number of views necessary toshow an item. The three principal views are the top,front, and right-side. The TOP VIEW (also called aPLAN in architectural drawings) is projected to anddrawn on an image plane above the front view of theobject. The FRONT VIEW (ELEVATION) shouldshow the most characteristic shape of the object or itsmost natural appearance when observed in itspermanent or fixed position. The RIGHT-SIDE VIEW(ELEVATION) is located at a right angle to the frontand top views, making all the views mutuallyperpendicular.SPACING OF VIEWS.— Views should bespaced on the paper in such a manner as5-7
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