Figure 5-10.-Use of a miter line.
USE OF A MITER LINE. A miter line
(fig. 5-10) offers a convenient method of
laying out a third view while you are in the
process of drawing two views. Place the miter
line (fig. 5-10, view B) to the right of the
top view at a convenient distance, keeping
the appearance of a balanced drawing. Draw
light projection lines from the top view to
the miter line (fig. 5-10, view C), then vertically
downward (fig. 5-10, view D). Using the front
view, draw horizontal projection lines (fig. 5-10,
view E) to the right, intersecting the vertical
projection lines. The result of this procedure
is the outline and placement of the right side view
(fig. 5-10, view F).
Some EAs prefer to extend the top view
projection lines to the right side view using the
alternate method shown in figure 5-11.
principal views of an object drawn in a third-angle
projection are arranged according to the
American standard arrangement of views. This
arrangement (practiced since the late 1800s)
depicts the relative position of the six principal
views and their relationship to each other on a
drafting plane.
As shown in figure 5-12, all views (except the
front view) are rotated toward the observer as
though they are hinged. REMEMBER, the front