Figure 5-51.-Cabinet projection. Distances along front axisare true; distances along receding axis are reduced byone half.60 degrees because they are easily constructed withtriangles (fig. 5-52).IRREGULAR LINES.— An irregular line inan oblique drawing is a line that would be anoblique line in a normal multi-view projection.In the upperpart of figure 5-53, there is aFigure 5-53.-Cavalier projection of an object with irregularlines.two-view multi-view projection of a block; the lineAB is an irregular line and will not appear in itstrue length in an oblique projection. To transferthe line, you draw the projection by transferringmeasurements taken along regular lines; thesemeasurements locate the end points of theirregular line. Figure 5-53 shows the cavalierprojection of an irregular line. The procedure forcabinet projection would be the same except thatall measurements along the receding axis wouldbe reduced by one half.ANGLES IN OBLIQUE.— In an obliqueprojection, an angle on the surface that is parallelto the plane of projection will appear in its trueFigure 5-52.-Angles of 30 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees are normally chosen for the receding axis in obliqueprojection because they are easily drawn with triangles..5-27
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