Team leader, assignment as, 16-6 to 16-8cooperation, 16-7 to 16-8planning work assignments, 16-6 to 16-7supervision, 16-7Techniques, basic drafting, 3-3 to 3-10Temperature measurement, 1-31Templates, drafting, 2-22 to 2-23Templates, use of drafting, 3-9Theodolite, 11-20 to 11-27Tilt-up construction, 7-15 to 7-16finishes, 7-16panel connections, 7-15 to 7-16reinforcement of tilt-up panels, 7-15tilt-up panel foundations, 7-15Time measurement, 1-30 to 1-31Tools, other, 2-26 to 2-29Topographic surveys, 11-3Transit-tape survey, 13-20 to 13-27attaining the prescribed order of precision,13-21 to 13-24caring for and maintaining surveyinginstruments, 13-26 to 13-27identifying errors and mistakes in transitwork, 13-24 to 13-26identifying party personnel, 13-21selecting points for marking, 13-20Traverse operations (field procedures), 13-27conducting a reconnaissance, 13-28organizing the party, 13-27performing angular measurement, 13-29to 13-30performing linear measurements, 13-29placing station marks, 13-28tying in to existing control, 13-28Treatment of plywood, 6-12Triangle, 2-10, 4-4 to 4-6Trigonometry, 1-16 to 1-25functions and cofunctions, 1-18functions of angles, 1-17 to 1-18functions of angles in a right triangle,1-19functions of obtuse angles, 1-18 to 1-19measuring angles, 1-16 to 1-17methods of solving triangles, 1-20 to 1-25Trusses, roof, 6-26 to 6-27UUnderground power distribution, 9-6Units of measurement, 1-26 to 1-35conversion of units, 1-34 to 1-35more units of measurement, 1-30 to 1-33units of volume measurement, 1-28 to1-29Units of measurement—Continuedunits of angular measurement, 1-29 to1-30units of area measurement, 1-28units of linear measurement, 1-27 to 1-28units of weight, 1-29Useful drafting symbols, AIV-1 to AIV-20Useful mathematical symbols, formulas, andconstants, AIII-1 to AIII-34Utility stakeout, 14-43 to 14-45VVehicle prestart checks and maintainingvehicle operations, 12-32Vertical lines, 3-5Viewing or cutting plane lines, 3-25 to 3-26Volume measurement, unit of, 1-28 to 1-29WWaste and soil drainage diagram, 8-19 to 8-20Water distribution system, 8-1 to 8-10fittings, 8-3 to 8-6joints and connections, 8-6pipe insulation, 8-10pipe supports, 8-8 to 8-9piping materials, 8-1 to 8-3valves, 8-6 to 8-8Watertightness, of good concrete, 7-2Weather hazards, protecting against, 12-28Weight, units of, 1-29Wiring system, interior electrical, 9-6 to 9-15conductors, 9-8 to 9-10conduits and fittings, 9-10 to 9-12insulation, 9-10outlet boxes, 9-12 to 9-14panelboard, 9-8receptacles, 9-14service drop, 9-6service entrance, 9-6 to 9-8switches, 9-14 to 9-15wire connectors, 9-12Wood and light frame structures, 6-1 to 6-51building finish, 6-27 to 6-51exterior finish, 6-27 to 6-34exterior trim, 6-29 to 6-31flashing, 6-32 to 6-33gutters and downspouts, 6-34roof sheathing and roof covering,6-27 to 6-29wall sheathing, 6-31 to 6-32INDEX-14
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