2-13.2-14.2-15.2-16.2-17.2-18.A standard NMCB drafting kit containssufficient supplies and equipment tooutfit a total of how many drafters?1.Ten2.Two3.Three4.FiveWhich of the following types ofdrafting media are used by SEABEEdrafters?1.Tracing paper, tracing cloth, anddetail paper2.Tracing paper, profile paper, andcross-section paper3.Tracing cloth, film, and tracingpaper4.Tracing cloth, tracing paper, andgraph paperCompared with bristol board,illustration board differs in whatrespect?1.It has only one white drawingsurface2.It is thinner and less rigid3.It comes in a smaller size4.It cannot be used for makingsmall signs and chartsWhich of the following grades ofpencil lead is the hardest?1. F2. HB3. 2H4. 4BCompared to an HB-grade pencil lead,an F-grade lead is1.thinner and softer2.thinner and harder3.thicker and softer4.thicker and harderWhich of the following types oferasers is best suited for removingunwanted smudges from ink drawingsprepared on tracing vellum?1.Vinyl2.Pink pearl3.Ruby red4.Art gum2-19.2-20.2-21.2-22.When erasing with an electriceraser, which of the followingactions should you avoid takingbecause of the damage that mayoccur?1.Erasing lightly penciled lines2.Erasing heavily inked lines3.Erasing closely spaced lines4.Holding the eraser steady in onespotTo prevent fresh ink lines fromspreading, what method should youuse to prepare the surface of thedrafting medium?1.Cover it with a film ofspecially prepared chemical2.Rub it with fine bone dust3.Rub it with pulverized art gumparticles4.Scrape it lightly with a steeleraserConcerning the use of drawingboards, which of the followingstatements accurately describes acorrect procedure, method, ortheory?1.For a right-handed drafter, theworking edge is the leftvertical edge of the board2.For any drafter the preferredworking edge is the lowerhorizontal edge of the board3.It is assumed that all edges ofthe board are perfectly square4.The drawing surface of the boardis leveled by adjusting thehinged attachmentWhich of the following statementsconcerning the use, testing, or careof the T-square is an accurateguideline, procedure, or method? draw a long continuousvertical line, set the head ofthe T-square against the upperedge of the drawing boardTo prevent warpage of theT-square when it is not in use,hang it vertically by the holein its bladeTo test a T-square, drawcoinciding lines with both thetop and bottom blade edgesTo test a T-square, draw acontinuous line using bothvertical edges of the drawingboard10
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