2-23.Instead of using a T-square, somedrafters prefer a parallelstraightedge because it offers whichof the following advantages?1.It allows the drafter to producecleaner drawings2.It helps prevent ink blots onsmall drawings3.It allows the drafter to workmore accurately on large drawings4.It helps keep drawings fromsliding off an inclined drawingboard2-24.What is the most desirable source ofillumination for drafting work?1.Direct sunlight2.Adjustable fluorescent tablelamps3.Overhead ceiling lights4.Natural light2-25.Assuming that a drafter isright-handed, the lighting should befrom what direction?1.Left-front2.Right-front3.Over the right shoulder4.Over the left shoulderFigure 2AIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-26 AND 2-27, REFERTO TRIANGLES X AND Y IN FIGURE 2A.2-26.The size of a 30°-60° triangle (X) isdesignated by the1.length of AB2.length of BC3.size of angle A or C4.perimeter of the triangle2-27.The size of a 45° triangle (Y) isdesignated by the1.length of DE2.length of DF or EF, whicheveryou prefer3.perimeter of the triangle4.size of angle D or E2-28.Assume that you are testing thestraightness of a 45° triangle.Thefirst step you should take is toplace the triangle against a T-square and draw a vertical line.The next step is to take whatactions? the triangle and drawanother vertical line, whichshould coincide with the firstlineSlide the triangle to the left(or right) and draw anintersecting 45° line, which canbe tested for accuracy with aprotractorReverse the triangle and drawanother vertical line along thesame edge.This line shouldcoincide with the firstReverse the T-sauare and drawanother vertical line along thesame edge.This line shouldcoincide with the first2-29.In which of the following ways arecircular protractors graduated?1.Clockwise from 0° to 90° and180° to 270°, andcounterclockwise from 360° to270° and 180° to 90°2.Clockwise and counterclockwisefrom 0° to 180°3.Clockwise and counterclockwisefrom 0° to 360°4.Clockwise in quadrants from 0°to 90°2-30.Without estimating, what is theminimum angle that can be set on theadjustable triangle shown intextbook figure 2-13?1.30 seconds2.15 seconds3.30 minutes4.1 degree2-31.For which of the following shapesshould you NOT use french curves?1.Spirals2.Ellipses3.Parabolas4.Circular arcs11
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