A S S I G N M E N T 3Textbook Assignment:“Drafting:Fundamentals and Techniques; Reproduction Process.” Pages3-1 through 3-51.3-1.For you to be positionedcomfortably at your drawing board,your line of sight, in relation tothe drawing surface, should be atapproximately what angle?1. 30°2. 45°3. 60°4. 90°3-2.If a drawing board has a severelymarred drawing surface, you shouldcover the surface with which of thefollowing materials?1.A large sheet of butcher’spaper2.Two thicknesses of drawingpaper3.Laminated vinyl material4.Self-adhesive linoleum3-3.What step should you take toimprove the surface of drawingpaper that has become scratchedfrom excessive erasing?1.Rub the area smooth with yourthumbnail2.Rub the area lightly withpounce3.Cover the damaged area withtransparent tape4.Apply a thin coating of clearacrylic spray3-4.Which of the following drawingpencils should you select for theinitial layout of a drawing?1. 2B2. F3. H4. 4H3-5.When you view the back of a pencildrawing (on tracing paper) that isheld against a light and see onlyindistinct lines, what, ifanything, should you do?1.Select a harder pencil todarken the lines2.Select a softer pencil todarken the lines3.Exert more pressure on thepencil used to prepare thedrawing4.Nothing; viewing the drawingfrom the back serves no purpose3-6.You should always sharpen a pencilon its unlettered end for which ofthe following reasons?1.To avoid breaking the lead2.To retain the grade symbol3.To retain the manufacturer’sname4.To permit easier dressing ofthe point3-7.The mechanical pencil pointerproduces what type of point?1.Chisel2.Elliptical3.Conical4.Wedge3-8.A mechanical pencil has which of3-9.3-10.the following-advantages over awooden pencil?1.It is more comfortable to use2.It does not need to besharpened as frequently3.It stays at a constant length4.It uses leads that do not breakas readilyWhen drawing a horizontal line, youshould hold the pencil at whatincline?1. 30°2. 45°3. 60°4. 75°To draw vertical lines, you should(a) incline the pencil toward whatpart of the board and (b) draw thelines in what direction?1.(a) Top(b) from bottom totop2.(a) Top(b) from top tobottom3.(a) Bottom (b) from bottom totop4.(a) Bottom (b) from top tobottom15
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