IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-32 THROUGH 2-35,REFER TO TEXTBOOK FIGURE 2-15.2-32.2-33.2-34.2-35.2-36.2-37.Of the following instruments, whichone is held in a set position byfriction?1. C2. F3. J4. LA series of eight circles with adiameter of 1/2 inch to 10 inches isdrawn from a single center.Whatinstruments should you use to ink thecircles?1.B and C2.B, C, and D3. B, C, and I4.B, C, I, and KWhich of the following instrumentsrequire setscrew adjustment of thenibs ?1. B, C, F, and G2. B, F, G, and K3. B, C, K, and L4. F, G, K, and LOf the following instruments, whichone should you use to divide a7 l/2-inch line into 20 equalsegments?1. A2. C3. J4. KBringing together the points ofdividers by bending the leg jointsis a means of testing for1.sharpness of the points2.correct length of the points3.alignment of the dividers4.correct adjustment of thefriction jointsWhen divider points become slightlyuneven in length, what should you them?Grind the points separately, in ahorizontal position, by rubbingthem on a whetstoneHold the points verticallytogether and grind them lightlyby drawing them back and forthagainst a whetstoneGrind the points separately, in ahorizontal position, by twirlingthem against a whetstoneReplace the needlepoints2-38.2-39.In what way, if any, should theneedles of compasses and dividerscompare in point size?1.Those of the compass should beslightly larger2.Those of the compass should beslightly smaller3.They should be the same size4.None; the size does not matterWhich of the following methods.should you use to protect drawinginstruments against corrosion?1.Clean them with a soft cloth andcoat them with a light film ofoil2.Polish them occasionally withmetal polish3.Clean them often with a chemicalprovided by the manufacturer ofthe instrument4.Rub them lightly with emerypaper and apply a light film ofoilIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-40 THROUGH 2-44,SELECT THE DRAFTING INSTRUMENT FROM THEFOLLOWING LIST THAT SHOULD BE USED TOPERFORM THE DRAWING TASK LISTED.2-40.2-41.2-42.2-43.Ink a 3/32-inch radius circle.1. A2. B3. C4. DDraw a circular arc that has a30-inch radius.1. A2. B3. C4. DReduce or enlarge a drawing.1. A2. B3. C4. DTransfer a measurement from onescale to another.1. A2. B3. C4. D12
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