2-44.Draw a60-inch radius circle.1. A2. B3. C4. D2-45.The scale of 1/6,000 is equivalent to2-46.2-47.2-48.which of the following equations?1.1 in =300 ft2.1 in =500 ft3.1 in =600 ft4.1 in = 1,000 ftTo show details of an object drawn tofull scale on a drawing, you shouldpresent the details in what way?1.Scaled up2.Scaled down3.Drawn to half scale4.Drawn to full scaleScales made of which of the followingmaterials are the most accurate?1.Plastic2.Yellow hardwood3.Boxwood4.White pineWhich of the following scale shapesprovides the most scale faces?1.Two bevel2.Opposite bevel3.Four bevel4.TriangularIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-49 THROUGH 2-52,SELECT THE TYPE OF SCALE FROM THE FOLLOWINGLIST THAT YOU SHOULD USE TO ACCOMPLISH THETASK LISTED.2-49.Lay out drawing dimensions given infeet and inches.1. A2. B3. C2-50.Lay out drawing dimensions given intenths of a foot.1. A2. B3. C2-51.2-52.2-53.2-54.2-55.2-56.Measure given dimensions to a scaleof 1 cm = 50 m.1. A2. B3. CMeasure given dimensions to a scaleof 1 in = 200 ft.1. A2. B3. CWhat step must you take before usingan engineer’s scale for scaling whenthe scale is expressed as afraction?1.Determine the fractionalequivalent of the scale on theengineer’s scale2.Multiply the scale numbers by 103.Multiply the scale numbers by1004.Multiply all measurements by 10What scale on the engineer’s scaleshould you use to determine that aline drawn 5 inches long isequivalent to 200 feet?1.10 scale2.20 scale3.40 scale4.50 scaleYou want to draw the outline of a200-foot by 200-foot rectangulararea on an 8-inch by 10 l/2-inchsheet of paper.Which scale shouldyou use to get the largest drawingthat will fit on the paper?1.10 scale2.30 scale3.50 scale4.60 scaleBefore using a map measure todetermine the length of a pipelineon a SEABEE drawing, you shouldfirst take what step?1.Adjust the tracing wheel with anodometer2.Trace over the line to bemeasured3.Set the scale indicator to thenumerical scale indicated on thedrawing4.Trace over the graphical scaleto ensure the accuracy of thereading13
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