4-64.When sketching a long, straightvertical line, you should first placea dot at each end of the line.Whatis your next step?1.Connect the dots with a series ofshort pencil strokes2.Connect the dots with one longpencil stroke3.Place additional dots atintermediate points along theline, then connect the dots witha series of short pencil strokes4.Place additional dots atintermediate points along theline, then connect the dots withone long pencil stroke4-65.To divide lines and areas into equal4-664-67.4-68.parts, you should use what process?1.Visual approximation2.Arbitrary estimation3.Geometric construction4.Dividing and redividingWhat is the basic angle you shoulduse when sketching?1. 30°2. 60°3. 45°4. 90°Which of the following items willserve as a substitute for a pencilcompass?, piece of string, and athumbtackPencil, rubberband, and athumbtackTwo pencils and a rubberbandTwo pencils and a piece of papermethod of freehand sketching of acircle calls for you rotate the-paperwith one hand.What part of yourhand serves as the pivot point?1.The side2.Index finger only3.Second finger only4.Either the index or secondfinger, whichever is easierFigure 4EIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 4-69 AND 4-70, YOUARE DFUIWING A CURVE TANGENT TO STRAIGHTLINES AND HAVE PROCEEDED AS FAR AS SHOWN INFIGURE 4E.4-69.What should your next step be?1.Placing a dot at D2.Sketching a light curve throughD between B and C3.Drawing a straight line betweenB and C4.Drawing a straight line from Athrough D midway between B and C4-70.What is the preferred way to sketchthe curve after you place the dot orX through which the curve is topass?1.Start at B, and proceed throughthe dot or X, and end at C2.Start at C, proceed through thedot or X, and end at D3.Start at the dot or X and sketchto C, return to the dot or X,and then sketch to B4.Start at D, proceed to C, backto D, and then to B29
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