5-13.5-14.5-15.5-16.5-17.5-18.Which type of lumber is primarilygraded by its allowable stresses?1.Factory2.Structural3.Shop4.YardTo find the board foot measurementof lumber, what formula should youuse?When computing the amount of boardfeet in a dressed 2- by 4-inchboard, which of the followingdimensions should you use?1.1 3/4 by 3/4 in2. 2by 4in3.1 5/8 by 3 5/8 in4.1 7/8 by 3 5/8 inWhen you are laminating lumber, howare the laminations (pieces)fastened together?1.Nailed and glued together, withthe grain of all pieces runningperpendicular2.Nailed or glued together, withthe grain of all pieces runningparallel3.Nailed, bolted, or gluedtogether,with the grain of allpieces running perpendicular4.Nailed, bolted, or gluedtogether,with the grain of allpieces running parallelWhich of the followingcharacteristics applies to plywood?1.Punctureproof2.Resists splitting3.Pound for pound one of thestrongest materials available4.Both 2 and 3 abovePlywood is used for which of thefollowing purposes?1.Formwork2.Sheathing3.Furniture4.Each of the above5-19.What are the two most common sizesof plywood sheets available for usein construction?1.3 by6 ft and 4 by8 ft2.4 by8 ft and 4 by 10 ft3.4 by 8 ft and 4 by 12 ft4.4 by 10 ft and 4 by 12 ft5-20.How are plywood panel gradesgenerally designated?1.By the grade of veneer onthe face only2.By the kind of glue only3.By the grade of veneer onthe face and back only4.By the kind of glue and thegrade of veneer on the face andbackIN ANSWERING QUESTION 5-21, REFER TO FIGURE6-6 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK.5-21.What plywood veneer grade allowsknotholes up to 2 1/2 inches inwidth and under certain conditionsup to 3 inches?1. A2. B3. D4. N5-22.When index numbers 48/24 appear on agrading identification stamp, whatdoes the number 24 represent?1.Minimum on-center spacing ofsupports for subfloors2.Maximum on-center spacing ofsupports for roof decking3.Maximum on-center spacing ofsupports for subfloors4.Maximum on-center spacing ofsupports for wall studs5-23.Which of the following types ofplywood panels is/are recommendedfor use in cabinets?1.Standard plywood sheathing2.Decorative panels only3.Overlaid panels only4.Decorative panels and overlaidpanels5-24.Which of the following types of woodsubstitutes provides good fireresistance?1.Fiberboard2.Gypsum wallboard3.Particleboard4.Hardboard32
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