5-39.5-40.5-41.5-42.5-43.5-44.5-45.5-46.In an attic, which of the followingconditions is NOT prevented by theinstallation of vapor barriers andinsulation?1.Heat loss2.Heat gain3.Moisture seepage4.CondensationWhat elements are the two principalparts of a stairway?1.Stringers and risers2.Treads and risers3.Treads and stringers4.Stringers and nosingWhat type of stairway continues in astraight line from one floor to thenext?1.Change2.Cleat (open-riser)3.Platform4.Straight-flightA platform is needed between floorsin what type of stairway?1.Straight-flight2.Platform3.Reverse4.DirectionalIn a structure, what are the twocategories of stairs?1.Principal and service2.Main and porch3.Basement and attic4.Front and rearWhat stairs extend between floorsabove the basement and below theattic?1.Basement2.Porch3.Attic4.PrincipalWhich of the following typesof stairs is a service stair?1.Porch2.Principal3.Personnel4.EquipmentInto what two types, if any, isfinish flooring broadly divided?1.Resilient and carpet2.Wood and concrete3.Resilient and wood4.None; it is not divided5-47.What is the primary differencebetween exterior and interior flushdoors?1.An exterior flush door alwaysswings to the outside of abuilding2.Exterior flush doors have asolid core3.Plywood is never used as theoutside face of an exteriorflush door4.Interior flush doors may befabricated on the constructionsite, but exterior flush doorsare always factory-assembled5-48.What are the principal parts of theframe of an inside door?5-49.5-50.5-51.5-52.1.Head jamb and side jambs only2.Head and side jams and head andside casings3.Sill, head jamb, and sidecasings4.Sill, side jambs, and headcasingWhat part of a window forms a framefor the glass?1.Casement2.Sash3.Frame4.FinishWhat type of window contains severalhorizontal hinged sashes that openand close together?1.Casement2.Louver3.Jalousie4.Double-hungIn construction drawings, the windowschedule provides what type ofinformation?1.Type of windows2.Size of windows3.Number of panes of glassfor each window4.Each of the aboveWhen the figure 6/12 appears on oneof the lights in the windowschedule,the dimensions of theglass are what type?1.Nominal2.Rough3.Actual4.Finish34
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