A S S I G N M E N T 5Textbook Assignment: “Wood and Light Frame Structures.” Pages 6-1 through 6-51.5-1.Of all the construction material,what material is considered the mostoften used and the most important?1.Wood2.Steel3.Concrete4.Plastic5-2.In small construction projects thatdo NOT have written specificationsincluded, where should you be ableto find the type and classificationof wood?1.In the2.In the3.In the4.In thesheetsdrawings themselvesbill of materialsspecial standardsspecial informationattached to the drawings5-3.In construction, the terms “wood,”“lumber” and “timber” have distinctand separate meanings.Which of thefollowing definitions is an accuratedescription?1.Wood is a soft, nonfibroussubstance2.Timber is lumber with adimension of not less than 5inches3.Lumber is trees that have notbeen cut4.Wood is lumber that has beenmade into manufactured products5-4.“Millwork” is best defined by whichof1. Inthe following descriptions?Wood selected for sawmill workTimber made into lumberLumber made into manufacturedproductsWood after it has been throughthe sawmillwhat way, if any, can the nominalsize of lumber be compared to itsdressed size?1.It is larger2.It is the same3.It is smaller4.It cannot be compared5-6.What designation applies to woodsurfaced on two sides only?1.S2S2.S2E3.SS24.2SS5-7.In which of the following waysis lumber designated on drawings andpurchase orders?1.Dressed only2.Nominal only3.Dressed or nominal, whicheveryou choseIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 5-8 AND 5-9, REFERTO TABLE 6-2 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK.5-8.5-9.5-10.5-11.5-12.What are the dressed dimensions of a1- by 8-inch board?1.1 by 8 in2.1 by 7 1/2 in3.3/4 by 7 1/2 in4.3/4 by 7 1/4 inWhat are the dressed dimensions of a2- by 4-inch, S4S board?1.2 by 4 in2.2 by 3 1/2 in3.1 1/2 by 3 1/2 in4.1 1/2 by 3 1/4 inManufactured lumber, when classifiedaccording to its use, falls intowhat three categories?1.Boards, dimension, and timbers2.Rough, dressed, and worked3.Yard, structural, and factory4.Boards, shop, and yardWhen you want lumber to show itsnatural finish, what grade(s) shouldyou use?1.A only2.B only3.A or B, whichever you prefer4. CWhen grain-tight lumber is required,what type of lumber is normallyused?1. No. 1 common2. No. 2 common3.Grade A select4.Grade B select31
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