5-25.5-26.5-27.The type and amount of woodtreatment is normally given in theproject specifications.When nowritten specifications exist, whereshould you be able to find the woodtreatment required?1.Bill of materials2.Commercial standards3.Drawings4.American Plywood AssociationIn platform construction, what isthe first wood structural member tobe set in place?1.Header2.Joist3.Soleplate4.SillWhat is the difference between acommon joist and a cripple joist?1.A cripple joist extends the fullspan, but a common joist doesnot2.A common joist extends the fullspan, but a cripple joist doesnot3.A cripple joist may be supportedby a girder, but a common joistis never supported by a girder4.Common joists are supported bypilasters, while cripple joistsare not5-28.At a door opening in an exteriorwood-framed wall, the names of thehorizontal members that connect atthe (a) top and (b) bottom of thecripple studs are1.(a) header(b) soleplate2.(a) top plates (b) soleplate3.(a) top plates (b) header4.(a) header(b) sill5-29.Frame structures are commonly brat.adby use of which of the followingmethods?1.Diagonal bracing2.Let-in bracing3.Cut-in bracing4.All of the above5-30.What is the rise pera 1/4 pitch roof?1.12 in2.6 in3.8 in4.4 inunit of run for5-31.5-32.5-33.5-34.5-35.5-36.5-37.5-38.What is the rafter whose lower endrests on the top plate and whoseupper end rests against a hiprafter?1.Common2.Valley jack3.Hip jack4.Cripple jackWhat rafter doestop1.2.3.4.Forplate or theCommon jackCripple jackValley jackHip jackwhat purposeNOT meet either theridgeboard?are purlins used inwood frame construction?1.To serve as a nailer for roofing2.To act as a structural connector3.To support rafters4.To serve as bracing for raftersOn flat or nearly flat roofs, whattype of roof covering is generallyused?1.Galvanized iron sheets2.Asphalt shingles3.Tile4.Built-upOn a built-up roof, what materialprovides the weathering surface?1.Asphalt shingles2.Aggregate3.Roofing felt4.Asphalt binderOn a boxed cornice, what is the trimthat is nailed to the rafter ends?1.Frieze2.Crown molding3.Fascia4.PlancierA gable roof has a total of how manyeaves?1.Five2.Two3.Three4.FourWhat type of common siding comes inlengths of more than 4 feet andwidths of 8 inches or less?1.Bevel2.Drop3.Clapboard33
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