9-53.9-54.9-55.9-56.9-57.1.In which of the following ways aremicrowave and light wave EDMdevices the same?1.Both have interchangeabletransmitters and receivers2.Both require the application ofcorrections for atmosphericconditions3.Both are used for the directmeasurement of distances4.Both should be used for onlyshort distances of less than600 feetWhich of the following descriptionsis characteristic of most poisonoussnakes found on the North Americancontinent?1.Brightly colored2.Smaller than nonpoisonoussnakes3.Flat headed and thick bodied4.Equipped with tail rattlesWhat North American poisonous snakeshows its white inside mouth liningjust before striking?1.Copperhead2.Rattler3.Coral4.Water moccasinWhat symptom is usually the firstto be noticed by someone who hascome in contact with poison ivy orpoison oak?1.A cluster of large blisters2.A deep red rash3.An extreme itching4.A cluster of small blistersA poisonous plant has a juice thatis nonvolatile.This means thisplant is poisonous and the juice ofthis plant will9-58.Poisonous sumac can bedistinguished from nonpoisonoussumac in what way?1.It bears red berries2.It has more leaves3.It bears white fruit4.It grows closer to the ground9-59.The first-aid procedure for plantpoisoning of the skin consists ofwhich of the following steps?1.Soaping and rinsing frequently2.Applying a light coat of oil3.Obtaining immediate medicalcare4.Soaping with an alkalinelaundry soap and not rinsingoff9-60.Of the following accidentprevention guidelines or measures,which one is the most important toremember?1.Never swing a machete within10 ft of another person2.Most accidents can be preventedby the application of commonsense and good judgment3.Never work in or on treesduring high wind orthunderstorms4.Properly sharpened axe bladesare safer than blunt or nickedones9-61.While surveying, the members of afield party must work on and near aheavily traveled highway that theyare forced to cross several times aday.They can reduce the danger ofbeing struck by a moving vehicle bytaking which of the followingprecautions?1.Wearing brightly colored outerclothing2.Detouring traffic away from thefield party3.Erecting conspicuous signs andbarriers4.All of the aboveevaporate quickly 2. not stain clothing3. not evaporate quickly4. not nifect a person unless heatually touches the plant64
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