CHAPTERCONSTRUCTION10DRAWINGSThe construction of any structure or facilityis described by a set of related drawings that givethe SEABEEs a complete sequential graphicdescription of each phase of the constructionprocess. In most cases, a set of drawingsshows the location of the project, boundaries,contours, and outstanding physical featuresof the construction site and its adjoiningareas. Succeeding drawings give further graphicand printed instructions for each phase ofconstruction.TYPES OF CONSTRUCTIONDRAWINGSGenerally, construction drawings are cate-gorized according to their intended purpose. Someof the types commonly used in military construc-tion are discussed in this chapter.PRESENTATION DRAWINGSThe purpose of the PRESENTATIONDRAWINGS is to present the proposed buildingor facility in an attractive setting in its naturalsurrounding at the proposed site. They oftenconsist of perspective views complete with colorsand shading. Since presentation drawings areactually used to “sell” an idea or design concept,an EA assigned to the drafting section is rarelyrequired to develop them.SHOP DRAWINGSSHOP DRAWINGS are drawings, schedules,diagrams, and other related data to illustrate amaterial, a product, or a system for someportion of the work prepared by the constructioncontractor, subcontractor, manufacturer, dis-tributor, or supplier. Product data includebrochures,illustrations, performance charts,and other information by which the work will bejudged. As an EA, you will be required to draftshop drawings for minor shop and field projects.You may draw shop items, such as doors,cabinets, and small portable structures (pre-fabricated berthing quarters, and modificationsof existing buildings), or perhaps you may bedrawing from portions of design drawings,specifications, or from freehand sketches givenby the design engineer.MASTER PLAN DRAWINGSMASTER PLAN DRAWINGS are commonlyused in the architectural, topographical, andconstruction fields. They show sufficient featuresto be used as guides in long-range area develop-ment. They usually contain section boundarylines, horizontal and vertical control data,acreage, locations and descriptions of existingand proposed structures, existing and proposedsurfaced and unsurfaced roads and sidewalks,streams, rights-of-way and appurtenances, existingutilities, north point indicator (arrow), contourlines, and profiles. Master plan and generaldevelopment drawings on existing and proposedNavy installations are maintained and constantlyupgraded by the resident officer in charge ofconstruction (ROICC) and by the public worksdepartment (PWD).WORKING DRAWINGSA WORKING DRAWING (also called projectdrawing) is any drawing that furnishes the infor-mation required by the craftsmen to manufacturea machine part or by a builder crew to erect astructure; it is prepared from a freehand sketchor a design drawing. Complete information ispresented in a set of working drawings, completeenough that the user will require no furtherinformation. Project drawings include all thedrawings necessary for the different SEABEEratings to complete the project. These are thedrawings that show the size, quantity, location,and relationship of the building components.10-1
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