apply to definitive designs and standard drawingsand also to project specifications. EFDs and A/Esare allowed latitude in new concepts, creativethinking, and the use of new materials; however,when deviations from mandatory criteria areconsidered, they need to obtain prior clearancefrom NAVFACENGCOM headquarters.For dimensions on project drawings, you mayuse customary U.S. dimensions unless the projectis in an area in which System International (SI)is normally used. The International System ofUnits is the internationally accepted “metric”system. Use of the word metric is no longer anaccepted practice. For details of the proper useof SI units, refer to ASTM E380-82, Standard forMetric Practice, for generic conversions, andASTM E621-79, Recommended Practice for theUse of Metric (SI) Units in Building Design andConstruction, for conversions in engineering anddesign.ORDER OF DRAWINGSProject drawings for buildings and structuresare arranged in the following order:1. TITLE SHEET AND INDEX—Containsspecific project title and an index of drawings.(Used only for projects containing 60 or moredrawings).2. PLOT OR VICINITY PLANS—Containeither plot or vicinity plans or both, as well as civiland utility plans. For small projects, this sheetshould include an index of the drawings.3. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION (ifapplicable).4. ARCHITECTURAL (including interiordesign as applicable).5. STRUCTURAL.6. MECHANICAL (heating, ventilation, andair conditioning).7. PLUMBING.8. ELECTRICAL.9. FIRE PROTECTION.DRAWING SHEET SIZE AND FORMATThe following should be used for NAV-FACENGCOM drawings:TYPESIZE (IN INCHES)Flat17 x 22 (C size) - When small sheets arerequiredFlat22 x 34 (D size) - for project and otherdrawingsFlat28 x 40 (F size) - option to 22 x 34Refer to chapter 3, figure 3-14 for finished draw-ing and format and margins.Title BlocksThe title block indicates the name andlocation of the activity preparing the drawing,drawing title and number, approval withinthe activity and by an activity other ordifferent than the source preparing the drawing,and other information relative to preparationof the drawing,such as the predominantscale used, drawing size letter designation,and sheet number for multiple sheet drawings.The code identification number or FederalSupply Code for Manufacturers (FSCM) “80091”is required in the title block of all NAV-FACENGCOM drawings. Vertical title blockformat is used for all 22- by 34-in. (D-size)drawings; whereas, use of vertical title blockis optional for 28- by 40-in. (F-size) drawings.The layout and format for title blocks areshown in chapter 3,ANSI Y14.1-1980.Drawing Numbersfigures 3-15 to 3-21, and inNAVFACENGCOM drawing numbers issuedto individual engineering field divisions are withinthe following limits:NORTHERN DIVISION . . . . . .2 000 000 to 2 999 999CHESAPEAKE DIVISION . . .3 000 000 to 3 999 999ATLANTIC DIVISION . . . . . . . .4 000 000 to 4 999 999SOUTHERN DIVISION . . . . . . .5 000 000 to 5 999 999WESTERN DIVISION . . . . . . . .6 000 000 to 6 999 999PACIFIC DIVISION . . . . . . . . . .7 000 000 to 7 999 999NAVFACENGCOM headquarters retainscustody of all of the numbers up to and including1 999 999 and all other drawing numbers notassigned. Each cognizant EFD is responsible forthe control of assigned numbers for issuing,assigning, and recording these numbers for itsown use or the use of activities within itsgeographical area.Each activity maintainsan assignment record including locations anddrawing titles of drawing numbers assigned to it.10-5
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