CONCEPTUAL DEFINITIVE DESIGNSThese are prepared designs or drawingsdefining various functional, engineering, andlogistical requirements for structures and facilitiesneeded on a repetitive basis. These drawings areintended to provide a uniform basis for planningand design. CONCEPTUAL DESIGNS commonlyused in the Navy include both definitive andstandard designs.Definitive DesignsDEFINITIVE DESIGNS are drawings oftypical buildings and structures you will find inNAVFAC P-272, Definitive Designs for NavalShore Facilities, Part 1. These drawings containfloor plan arrangements, building sections andelevations, and utility requirements for generalguidance to A/E contractors or in-house staff whoprepare project drawings and specifications.Part 2 of P-272 contains advance designs of morecomplex facilities that may include equipmentlayouts, piping diagrams, electrical schematics,and other critical requirements for specificguidance in preparing project designs. Both parts,however, are used in conjunction with NAV-FACENGCOM criteria manuals, handbooks, andguide specifications listed in P-34, Engineeringand Design Criteria for Navy Facilities.Included in the facility type of designs aresingle-line schematics, bubble diagrams, orgraphics based on definitive drawings calledFACILITY PLATES. These plates (fig. 10-1) areused to show functional relationships or buildinglayouts, such as detailed information concerningthe design of individual rooms within a specifictype of facility. Facility plates may show thelocation of all of the equipment and furnishingswithin a room, the location of utilities serving theroom, the location and size of doors and windows,a ceiling plan reflecting the location of lightingfixtures, and other technical design informationabout the room. Facility plates are used insteadof the definitive design whenever the plateseffectively convey the necessary design data orwhenever definitive are scheduled to be revised,developed, or validated. You will find most of thefacility plates within the pages of criteria or designmanuals (DMs).Standard DesignsThese designs are detailed working drawingsof predominantly specialized structures for uniquenaval facilities, such as waterfront structures,aircraft operations and maintenance facilities,ammunition storage facilities, and fleet moorings.STANDARD DESIGNS form a part of the con-struction documents requiring only supplementaldrawings for adapting the facility to the specificsite. You can modify these drawings (except forammunition facilities) as necessary to meeton-site requirements. Ammunition and explosivedesign standards may NOT be modified withoutthe approval of the Naval Facilities EngineeringCommand (NAVFACENGCOM). When standarddesigns are used for a construction project, withor without modifications, a new title block anddrawing number are required. The cognizant EFDassigns these numbers.Another source of detailed construction draw-ings, NOT definitive, is found in NAVFACP-437, Facilities Planning Guide, Vol. 1.These facility and assembly drawings contain re-producible drawings of pre-engineered structuresused to satisfy the Naval Construction Force(NCF) at advanced bases in peacetime and duringcontingency operations. Thus, if a facility isrequired to meet tactical and strategic situations,construction planners can easily and readilyidentify and determine specific requirements andprovide support. Other useful information forSEABEE planners, such as crew size, man-hoursby skill, land area, and fuel necessary to makea component, facility, or assembly operational,is contained within the guide. As an EA, youshould realize the importance of becomingfamiliar with the contents of NAVFAC P-437.PROJECT DRAWINGPREPARATIONAll NAVFACENGCOM project drawings areprepared according to DOD-STD-100. The policyand procedures for preparing and developingthese drawings are outlined in the military hand-book MIL-HDBK-1006/1. Project drawings mustbe complete, accurate, and explicit since they(together with the design specifications) form thebasic ingredients used in contracts for theconstruction of naval facilities. EAs and in-houseplanners also benefit from clear and consistentproject drawings, especially when revising projectdrawings.POLICY AND STANDARDSThe design criteria for project drawings areset by NAVFACENGCOM. These criteria also10-3
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