A complete set of project drawings consists of
general drawings, detail drawings, assembly drawings,
and always a bill of materials.
DRAWINGS consist of plans (views from above) and
elevations (side or front views) drawn on a relatively
small defined scale, such as 1/8 in. = 1 ft or
1/4 in. = 1 ft. Most of the general drawings are drawn
in orthographic projections, though sometimes details
may be shown in isometric or cavalier projections. A
DETAIL DRAWING shows a particular item on a larger
scale than that of the general drawing in which the item
appears, or it may show an item too small to appear at
all on a general drawing. An ASSEMBLY DRAWING
is either an exterior or a sectional view of an object
showing the details in the proper relationship to one
another. Usually, assembly drawings are drawn to a
smaller scale than are detail drawings. This procedure
provides a check on the accuracy of the design and
detail drawings and often discloses errors.
Depending on the space available on the drafting
sheet, you may incorporate the BILL OF MATERIALS
in the drawing; otherwise, you are to list it on a separate
sheet. The bill of materials contains a list of the
quantities, types, sizes, and units of the materials
required to construct the object presented in the
In a typical military construction, working (project)
drawings go through stages of review and evaluation
f o r d e s i g n a n d t e c h n i c a l a d e q u a c y by
NAVFACENGCOM to ensure good quality,
consistency, and cost effectiveness of the design.
Special terms discussed in the following paragraphs
describe these stages, from the initial development of
the project to the final phase of construction.
Preliminary Drawings
PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS are the initial plans
for projects prepared by the designer or architects and
engineers (A/E) firm during the early planning or
promotional stage of the building development. They
provide a means of communication between the
designer and the user (customer). These drawings are
NOT intended to be used for construction, but they are
used for exploring design concepts, material selection,
preliminary cost estimates, approval by the customer,
and a basis for the preparation of finished working
You will notice that most of the design work
incorporated into the preliminary drawings at the
35-percent stage of completion contain, as a minimum,
the following information: site plans, architectural
floor plans, elevations, building sections, preliminary
finish schedule and furniture layouts, interior and
exterior mechanical and electrical data, and civil and
structural details. All of the preliminary project
drawings scheduled for use by the SEABEEs are
reviewed by the COMCBPAC or COMCBLANT, as
appropriate, for construction methods or procedures,
whereas preliminary contract drawings are reviewed by
Final Drawings
FINAL DRAWINGS are 100 percent complete,
signed by the contracting officer, and used forbidding
purposes. This set of plans becomes official contract
drawings once the contract is awarded. Final drawings
are often revised to show changes made by a scope
change or by a change order with the concurrence of
both the contractor and contracting officer. At this stage
of completion, no further functional input may be
introduced into the final drawings because of time
constraints. In general, final drawings, together with
project specifications, cost estimates, and all of the
calculations, comprise the final stages of design
Red-lined Drawings
These are the official contract drawings that you
will mark up during construction to show as-built
conditions. RED-LINED DRAWINGS are marked in
color red to indicate either a minor design change or
a field adjustment.
As-built Drawings
These are the original contract drawings (or sepia
copies) that you will change to show the AS-BUILT
conditions from the red-lined drawings. Upon
completion of facilities, the construction contractor or
the military construction force (NMCB) is required to
provide the ROICC with as-built drawings indicating
construction deviations from the contract drawings. All
of the as-built marked-up prints must reflect exact
as-built conditions and show all features of the project
as constructed. After completion of the project, as-built
marked-up prints are transmitted by the ROICC to the
engineering field division (EFD).
Record Drawings
The original contract drawings, corrected
according to the marked prints, provide a permanent
record of as-built conditions upon completion of the
instruction work on a project. The original RECORD
DRAWINGS may be retained in the custody of the EFD
or they may be transferred to stations with public works.