Figure 10-2.-A title block showing a drawing number assigned by NAVFACENGCOM.(Figure 10-2 is an example of a local activity, such asthe Civil Engineering Support Office (CESO), using adrawing number assigned by the Western(WESTDIV).)Figure 10-2.A title block showing anumber assigned by NAVFACENGCOM.You may not use a NAVFACENGCOMDivisiondrawingassignednumber for any other drawing, even though the drawingto which it has been assigned is not being used.Sometimes, because of extensive revision on aparticular drawing, it becomes necessary to prepare anew drawing and to assign a new NAVFACENGCOMdrawing number. A cross-reference note to be placeddirectly above or adjacent to the title block is shownbelow.Old Drawing Note:THIS DRAWING SUPER-SEDED BY DRAWINGNO.Drawing RevisionsNew Drawing Note:THIS DRAWING SUPER-SEDES DRAWINGNO.Revisions to NAVFACENGCOM project drawingsare to be made according to DOD-STD-100C. Therevision block may include a separate “PREPAREDBY” column to indicate the organization, such as an A/Efirm, that prepared the revision. The layout of themodified revision block is to be as shown in chapter 3,figure 3-22, views A and B.Graphic ScalesGraphic scales are located in the lower right-handcorner of each drawing sheet, with the words GraphicScales directly over them. The correct graphic scalesmust be shown prominently on each drawing because,as drawings are reduced in size, the reductions are oftenNOT to scaled proportions.Line Conventions and LetteringYou should pay close attention to the opaquenessand uniform weight of lines. To provide contrastingdivision and use of thick and thin lines, refer to chapter3, figure 3-23, and ANSI Y14.2M, Line Conventionsand Lettering, Engineering Drawing and RelatedDocumentation Practices. Uppercase lettering is to beused except for notes on maps and similar drawings,where lowercase lettering may be used. The minimumallowable height of freehand letters is 5/32 (0.156) in.,and of mechanical or computer graphics is 0.150 in. Forabbreviations on drawings, use MIL-STD-12,Abbreviations.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCINGAll dimensions and tolerances are to clearly defineengineering intent and be prepared according to ANSIY14.5M, Dimensioning and Tolerancing forEngineering Drawings. Some of the fundamental rulesthat apply to dimensioning and tolerancing drawingsare as follows:1. A dimension having a tolerance may have itapplied directly to the dimension or indicated by ageneral note on the drawing sheet.2. Dimensioning for size, form, and location offeatures are to be complete; however, no moredimensions than those necessary for completedefinition should be given. Neither the use of “sealing”(measuring the size of a feature directly from anengineering drawing) nor assumption of a distance orsize is permitted. The use of a reference dimension ona drawing should also be minimized.3. Dimensions should be arranged to provideoptimum readability to obtain required10-6
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