Figure 3-19.-Examples of title blocks used on drawings prepared by Naval Construction Battalion and Naval ConstructionRegiment.purpose of the drawing (fig. 3-19). Onespace is usually reserved for the signature of(APPROVED BY) your commanding officer orofficer in charge, and the other space is for thesignature of the commander of the activity orcommand requiring the drawing (SATISFAC-TORY TO). As shown in the examples in figure3-19, these two spaces may be used inter-changeably. This is acceptable as long asconsistency is maintained. It is also acceptable touse only space @ when a SATISFACTORYTO space is not required for the drawing, asshown on the NAVFAC title blocks in figures 3-20and 3-21. In this case the @ space is extendedupward or the @ space may be extended down-ward if additional space is required. These blocks,if not required, may be absorbed into block @far continuation sheets or used for otherpurposes.@Codeidentificationnumber.The federalsupply code for manufacturers (FSCM) is a five-digit number used to identify the governmentdesign activity; that is, the activity havingresponsibility for the design of an item. For mostof your drawings, NAVFAC has the ultimatedesign responsibility. Therefore, the identificationnumber “80091” is to appear in the titleblock of all NAVFACENGCOM drawings. Youmay choose to use either “FSCM” or “Code 10”(the terms are interchangeable) in the titleblock.@Drawing size.This space is reserved forthe letter designating the drawing format size.@Drawingnumber.If the drawing isprepared for or by NAVFACENGCOM, aNAVFAC drawing number will be assigned.Assignment of NAVFAC drawing numbers iscovered in MIL-HDBK 1006/1, Policy andProcedures for Project Drawing and SpecificationPreparation. If the drawing does not require aNAVFAC drawing number, this space will be leftblank, and a local command drawing number willbe placed in space @. Occasionally,blocks require the drawing number toin space @. (Refer to fig. 3-19.)local titlebe placed3-16
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