Figure 10-23.—Development of a sectional view.arrangement, construction methods, and materialcomposition of the walls of the building.When a cutting plane is passed through thenarrow width of a building, as shown in figure10-23, a TRANSVERSE, or CROSSSECTION,is developed. Similarly, passing the cutting planethrough the length of a building results in aLONGITUDINAL SECTION. These section,usually located in the architectural division, areused to clarify the building design and totalconstruction process. Another example of abuilding section is shown in figure 10-24,view A. Often, transverse and longitudinalsections are drawn at the same scale as the floorplan. To show as much construction informationas possible, it is not uncommon for staggered(offset) cutting planes to be used in developingthese sections.If the time and effort were spent to draw aseparate section for each and every wall and partof a building, it would soon become apparent thatmany of these sections are completely identical.To reduce the time and effort required fordrafting and to simplify the constructiondrawings, it is common practice to use typicalsections where exact duplications would otherwiseoccur. An example of a typical section is shownin figure 10-24, view B.For best results and to save time, you shouldmake a sketch of the section before beginningthe actual drawing. Always have your sketchchecked by your leading petty officer or anotherexperienced EA to make sure that your work iscompatible with their concept of the design of thebuilding.When more than one section is placed on thedrafting sheet, arrange the sections so that the firstone is through the front of the building, the othersections, excluding the last, move progressivelythrough the interior, and the last one isthrough the back. This way, when the sections arefinished, they give the user an orderly con-struction “tour” through the building. Thefollowing procedures will guide you in thedevelopment of a section:1. After having selected the appropriate scale,lay out the first section lightly. Next, lay out allthe other sections, allowing enough space betweenthem for notes and dimensions. Align the sectionsso that the same elevation is maintained and thesections relate to one another, as shown in figure10-22. Again, maintain enough clearance for sub-titles and scale and enough room for your titleblock.2. Lay out the guidelines for the materiallabels, leaders, and vertical dimensions.3. Darken the section drawings, using asystem such as starting at the top of the sheet andworking down, then starting at the left and10-28
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