Foundation Plan
A FOUNDATION PLAN is a top view of the
footings or foundation walls, showing their area
and their location by distances between center
lines and by distances from reference lines or
boundary lines. Actually, it is a horizontal
section view cut through the walls of the
foundation showing beams, girders, piers or
columns, and openings, along with dimensions
and internal composition.
The foundation plan is used primarily by the
building crew who will construct the foundation
of the proposed structure. In most SEABEE
construction, foundations are built with concrete-
masonry units and cast-in-place concrete. Figure
10-18 shows a plan view of a structure as it would
look if projected into a horizontal plane that
passes through the structure slightly below the
level of the top of the foundation wall. The plan
shows that the main foundation will consist of
12-in. concrete-masonry unit (CMU) walls
measuring 28 ft lengthwise and 22 ft crosswise.
In this plan, the CMU walls are identified by the
standard symbol for concrete block. Ideally, a
specific note should be added to call out the
A girder running through the center of the
building will be supported at the ends by two
4-by 12-in. concrete pilasters that will butt against
the end foundation walls. Intermediate support
for the girder will be provided by two 12-by 12-in.
concrete piers, each supported on 18- by 18-in.
spread footings, 10 in. deep. The dotted lines
around the foundation walls indicate that these
walls will also rest on spread footings.
You need relative information about the total
concept of the structure before you can draw the
foundation plan. You must make a careful study
of the materials and construction methods used,
observe the type of foundation used, and analyze
the relative position of the framing and the
foundation wall or footing. You must also make
reference to all of the applicable wall sections and
typical sill details found in your texts and
reference materials, such as the Architectural
Graphics Standards before you start the founda-
tion plan.
In most drafting practices, it is customary
to use the ground floor plan to develop the
Figure 10-18.-Example of a foundation plan.