Figure 10-17.-Use of a letter to identify elevation onirregular floor plans.irregular plans, such as shown in figure 10-17, theelevations may be identified by a letter or anumber.The following basic procedures will serve asa guide in the development and drawing ofelevations:1. Use the same sheet size as that of the floorplan. Determine the overall height and length ofthe elevation from the floor plan and wallsection (predetermined by prior computation ora sketch). We assume that you are using the samescale for elevations as for the floor plan. Blockin the views with construction lines placed in alogical order, such as starting with the front viewand working around the building. Generally, thefront and right-side elevations are next to eachother, and the rear (if necessary) and the left-sideelevations are shown below. Whenever possible,show all of the elevations on one sheet.2. Draw the exterior limits of the elevations.The floor plan may be placed underneath thedrafting sheet on which the elevations will bedrawn. Vertical projections determine and definethe length of exterior walls, any breaks orcorners along the wall, windows, roof overhang,doors, and other elements, such as chimneylocation. Horizontal projections from a wallsection locate the height of the doors andwindows, the cave line, the bottom of fascia, thetop and bottom of the footing, and the top of theroof to the space in which the elevation is to bedrawn.3. Repeat this process until all of theelevations are lightly laid out and final changesare incorporated into the exterior design. Darkenthe drawing, following the same proceduresused in the floor plan: from left to right, top tobottom, until completed. You must rememberthat all of the portions drawn below the grade lineare shown with a dark hidden line, and the gradeline is the darkest line on the elevation drawing(disregarding the border lines).4. Add the dimensions. Show only verticaldimensions to include the following: the bottomof the footing, all of the finished floor lines,finished ceiling lines, finished grade, height offeatures, chimney height, and freestanding walls.Refer to chapter 3 of this book for additionalinformation on drafting format, conventions, andtechniques.5. Add all notes and pertinent information onexterior materials and finishes, title, scale,window identification marks, and roof pitch.Section symbols (fig. 10-6) may be shown on theelevation to indicate where the sections have beentaken (fig. 10-16).6. Finish up the elevations by adding thematerial symbols (fig. 10-7). Notice that symbolsdo not take the place of the material notations;they just supplement them. Go over your eleva-tion checklist for completeness and accuracy ofinformation.STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSSTRUCTURAL DRAWINGS (sometimesidentified with the designating letter S on their titleblocks) consist of all the drawings that describethe structural members of the building and theirrelationship to each other. A set of structuraldrawings includes foundation plans and details,framing plans and details, wall sections, columnand beam details, and other plans, sections,details, and schedules necessary to describe thestructural components of the building or struc-ture. The general notes in the structural drawingsshould also include, when applicable, roof, floor,wind, seismic, and other loads, allowable soilpressure or pile bearing capacity, and allowablestresses of all material used in the design.10-20
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