responsible for providing all engineering servicesand design necessary for the successful conductof the construction program. Their specificresponsibilities are as follows:1. Providing guidance and support to thecompany deployment planning team2. Reviewing all plans for sound engineeringpractices and practicability of planning andconstruction3. Resolving field problems relative to errorsor revisions in design4. Briefing company commanders on engi-neering aspects of new projects5. Providing liaison with customers con-cerning engineering and design6. Providing liaison with other divisions in theoperations department in the interest of thesuccessful conduct of the construction programThe engineering division is also responsiblefor, and renders technical support in, thefollowing areas:1. Providing technical engineering construc-tion inspection by the engineering officer onbehalf of the operations officer to ensure thatprojects are built according to the plans andspecification and that quality workmanshipprevails at all times2. Providing survey services for the construc-tion companies, as required3. Providing up-to-date drawings and speci-fications for projects in progress4. Providing soils and materials testing andevaluation services5. Maintaining as-built drawings and pro-viding copies,as appropriate, to customercommandsMONITORING/REPORTING DIVISION.—The monitoring/reporting division of the opera-tions department is headed by the assistantoperations officer. This division is sometimesreferred to as the management division of theoperations department. The division is normallystaffed by the operations Yeomen and thebattalion timekeeper. Sometimes the position oftimekeeper/computer is assigned to capable EAs.The monitoring/reporting division collects,compiles, and analyzes all information related tothe construction operations. This information isused in the preparation of construction operationsreports, including the Deployment CompletionReport, the Project Execution Report, theMonthly Situation Reports, and any other specialreports that may be required by higher authority.The engineering division will be required to assistin the preparation of these reports by supplyingtechnical information concerning constructionprojects. Some reports may be compiled fromexisting records, and others may require specialinvestigation and research.For example, let us take the preparationof a Monthly Situation Report. Each battalionsubmits a monthly report of operations to eitherCOMCBLANT or COMCBPAC (depending onwhat theater of operation it is in). Copies are sentto the commander, NAVFAC, and to adminis-trative, military, and operational commandersconcerned. This report is a concise review of theactivities of the battalion during the month,regarding accomplishments, problems, andcapabilities. It includes such information asplanning, construction, welfare, morale, dis-cipline, safety, training, and equipment. Thenumbers of officers and enlisted men are shownfor the battalion and for all detachments,specifying the method of movement.Enclosures to the Monthly Situation Reportare specified by the commander, NCF. Thefollowing are generally included:1. Progress and performance reports2. Progress photographs3. Labor distribution reports4. Financial reports5. Equipment status reports6. Training reports7. Summary of important events thatoccurred in the battalion during thereporting periodThere are detailed instructions covering thepreparation of the Monthly Situation Report andother reports, so your only problem is thecompilation of the data that will go with them.Besides the aforementioned reports, themonitoring/reporting division is responsible forthe following:1. Maintaining a complete status folder oneach project2. Maintaining complete and accurate time-keeping records and labor analysis reports3. Maintaining and updating visual statusboards required for effective constructionmanagement including the following: (1) companypersonnel strength, (2) project status, 3) laboranalysis, and (4) project schedules16-3
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