Assignment to an NMCBOperations DepartmentNormally, EAs reporting to a SEABEEunit for duty will be assigned to the opera-tions department (S-3). The organization ofa SEABEE operations department—be it in astaff, in a battalion, or in any detached unit—is similar in basic composition, with minorvariations to suit the type of unit, its mis-sion, and the prevailing conditions. In sup-port of the construction organization, thespecific functions of the operations depart-ment include planning and estimating, engi-neering, monitoring/reporting, quality control,disaster preparedness, minicomputer opera-tions, and resources control. Figure 16-1 showsa standard organizational chart of a NavalMobile Construction Battalion operationsdepartment. Using this chart as a guide, theoperations officer may expand or modify theorganization to suit the mission of the battalionand the availability of personnel to fill thebillets.In the following sections you will learn whereyou fit into the organization and how your dutiesand responsibilities relate to the functions of theoperations department. The information is takenmainly from the Naval Construction ForceManual, NAVFAC P-315, and some actualobservations currently prevailing in the NMCBs.ENGINEERING DIVISION.— Most EAs areassigned to the engineering division of theoperations department. Therefore, it is importantthat you become familiar with the overallorganization breakdown of the division and theduties and responsibilities of personnel within thedivision. As you study the following sections, tryto visualize how your contributions to the divisionwill assist in accomplishing the overall mission ofthe division and the mission of the operationsdepartment. In other words, see where you fit intothe “big picture.”The engineering division is under the directionof the engineering officer (fig. 16-1), whois normally a Civil Engineer Corps (CEC)officer. The engineering officer and his staff areFigure 16-1.-Standard operations department organization.16-2
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