1-17.—Steel sheet-pile bulkhead.Pile-and-sheathing bulkheadWood sheet-pile bulkheadSteel sheet-pile bulkheadConcrete sheet-pile bulkheadMost bulkheads are made of steel sheet piles, suchas shown in figure 1-17, and are supported by a seriesof tie wires or tie rods that are run back to a buriedanchorage (or deadman). The outer ends of the tie rodsare anchored to a steel wale that runs horizontally alongthe outer or inner face of the bulkhead. The wale isusually made up of pairs of structural steel channels thatare bolted together back to back.In stable soil above the groundwater level, theanchorage for a bulkhead may consist simply of a buriedtimber, a concrete deadman, or a row of driven andburied sheet piles. A more substantial anchorage foreach tie rod is used below the groundwater level. Twocommon types of anchorages are shown in figure 1-18.In view A, the anchorage for each tie rod consists of atimber cap, supported by a batter pile, which is boltedto a bearing pile. In view B, the anchorage consists of areinforced concrete cap, supported by a pair of batterpiles. As shown in the figure, tie rods are supported bypiles located midway between the anchorage and thebulkhead.Bulkheads are constructed from working drawingslike those shown in figure 1-19. The detail plan for thebulkhead shows that the anchorage consists of a row ofsheet piles to which the inner ends of the tie rods areanchored by means of a channel wale.The section view shows that the anchorage will lie58 feet behind the bulkhead. This view also suggests theFigure 1-18.—Two types of tie-rod anchorages for bulkheads.order of construction sequence. First, the shore andbottom will be excavated to the level of the long, slopingdotted line. The sheet piles for the bulkhead andanchorage will then be driven. The intervening dottedlines, at intervals of 19 feet 4 inches, representsupporting piles, which will be driven to hold up the tierods. The piles will be driven next, and the tie rods thenset in place. The wales will be bolted on, and the tie rodswill be tightened moderately (they are equipped withturnbuckles for this purpose).Backfilling to the bulkhead will then begin. The firstbackfilling operation will consist of filling over theanchorage, out to the sloping dotted line. Theturnbuckles on the tie rods will then be set up to bringthe bulkhead plumb. Then the remaining fill, out to thebulkhead, will be put in. Finally, outside the bulkhead,the bottom will be dredged to a depth of 30 feet.To make it possible for ships to come alongside thebulkhead, it will be fitted with a timber cap and batterfender piles, as shown in figure 1-20. These piles,installed at proper intervals, will provide protectionagainst the impact of ships and will protect the hulls ofships from undue abrasion.1-10
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