directions. However, the distance scale that applies tothe whole map is exact only at the standard parallels,as shown in figure 9-26. Between the parallels thescale is a little too small; beyond them, it is a little toolarge. The discrepancy is small enough to be ignoredin work of ordinary precision or less. For work ofhigher precision, there are correction factors that maybe applied.The Lambert conformal conic projection is thebase for the state coordinate systems devised by theCoast and Geodetic Survey for zones of limited north-south dimension and indefinite east-west dimension.For zones whose greater dimension is north-south, theCoast and Geodetic Survey uses the transverseMercator projection.Q1.Q2.Q3.QUESTIONSWhich one of the wingnuts, labeled A and B, infigure 9-27 permits a leveled plane table to berotated in azimuth?Assume you are using three-point resection toplot the location of point P and the triangle oferror is inside the main triangle formed by thethree known points. Where in relation to thetriangle of error is point P located?What point-location method can you use to runa traverse using a plane table?9-23Figure 9-27.-Cross section of a plane-table tripod head.Q4.Q5.Q6.Q7.Compute the missing column entries for point 5in figure 9-8.Why is transverse Mercator projection the pre-ferred projection method for use with the mili-tary grid reference system ?Refer to figure 9-14. What is the complete desig-nation for the first full square east of meridian168°W and south of the equator?Measured along any meridian, what is the ap-proximate distance in statute miles between16°30’Nlatitude and 0°30f$latitude ?
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