hazardous material disposal facility. Check with yoursupervisor, safety officer, or hazardous materialsrepresentative for proper procedures.Q1.Q2.Q3.Q4.Q5.Q6.QUESTIONSWhat is the primary purpose of soil-compactiontesting?When performing a compaction test on a sandysoil, (a) what mold should you use and (b) howmany tamper blows per layer are required?What is the overall objective of density testing?In the sand-displacement method of densitytesting, the sand is calibrated to determine itsbulk density. Why must you do this before eachtest?The California bearing ratio (CBR) testmeasures the capacity of a soil to resist what typeof force?Of the cements discussed in the TRAMAN, whichone is most sulphate resistant?Q7.Q8.Q9.Q1O.Q11.Q12.Q13.Q14.Q15.When the cement paste in a concrete mix doesnot bond with the aggregate particles, what isthe probable cause?When a concrete mix contains an excessiveamount of silt or clay, what surface defect mayoccur when the concrete is placed?As related to aggregate used in concrete, definethe term surface moisture.What is the primary reason for adding anair-entraining agent to a concrete mix?Define the term hydration as it applies toconcrete.In concrete flexural-strength testing, whenshould you use the formula R = 3Pa/bd2?In what three ways can asphalt be liquified?To identify an unknown bituminous materialwhat is the first field test that you shouldperform?To distinguish the type and determine theapproximate grade of an unknown asphaltcutback, what laboratory test should youperform?13-51
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