2-42.2-43.2-44.2-45.2-46.Before the quality of a watersource can be deemed suitable forhuman needs, what action must firstbe taken?1.Filtering2.Treating3.Disinfecting4.TestingWhat special development process oraction must be performed to makebrackish water acceptable as awater supply for human needs?1.Desalination2.Chlorination3.SedimentationWhich of the following descriptionsbest define a water supply system?1.All of the piping used totransport water2.All of the piping, reservoirs,and system accessories used totransport and store water3.All of the facilities,equipment, and piping used toobtain, treat, and transportwater4.A combination of connectedpipes that carry supplied waterto its usersLearning Objective: Describe theelements and layout of a waterdistribution system.Large size water lines thatinterconnect with smallerdistribution mains are called1.trunk mains2.arterial mains3.branch mains4.feeder mainsWhat system accessories are usedfor fire-fighting purposes? stationsBackflow preventers2-47.2-48.2-49.2-50.Which of the following componentsshould be used to protect againstnonpotable water contaminating thewater system?1.Booster valve2.Main-line meter3.Backflow preventer4.Service conectionWhat type of branch is best forwater distribution?1.Loop2.Tree3.Cross4.LateralOn branch mains, a shutoff valveshould be installed at whatdistance from the feeder?1.25 feet2.50 feet3.75 feet4.As close as possibleUnder preferable conditions, ahydrant should be located no closerthan how many feet from a building?1. 252. 503. 754.100IN ANSWERING QUESTION 2-51, REFER TOFIGURE 2-19 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK.2-51.For this to be a detailed waterdistribution drawing that meetsMINIMUM requirements, which of thefollowing additional informationshould be shown for the 10-inchline that roughly parallels the1.2.3.4.B & O Railroad tracks?Type of pipe onlyType of pipe and the location,size, and type of shutoffvalve(s), if any, that areneeded to isolate the lineType of pipe and its depthbelow gradeType of pipe and its gradient13
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