8-54.What is the disadvantage in using aMercator projection for surveyingpurposes? projections of theequatorial regions areimpossibleMercator projections providerelatively large-area maps thatare conformal in distance onlyThe parallels are slightlycurved. They are neitherparallel nor preciseNo distance scale can beconsistently applied to allparts of the Mercatorprojections8-55.A polyconic projection has nearconformal direction due to whatfactor?1.Largs-area maps are projectedonto several cones and thespliced together2.Small-area maps are projectedonto several cones and builtaround a central meridian3.Small-area maps are projectedon more than one cone to haveparallel meridians4.Small-area maps are projectedon more than one cone to haveparallels perpendicular tomeridians8-56.Which of the following statementsregarding great circles are true?1.All parallels are great circles2.All meridians are great circles3.The equator is a great circle4.Both 2 and 3 above8-57.A nautical mile is equivalent to1.1 minute of longitude2.1 minute on an arc on a greatcircle3.1 minute of latitude4.Both 2 and 3 above8-58.What map projection is used as abase for the state coordinatesystems for zones whose greaterdimension is north-south?1.Transverse Mercator projection2.Lambert conformal conicprojection3.Polyconic projection4.Gnomonic projection58
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