9-38.Work in place is based on whatinformation?1.Dollar value of material used2.Quantity of planned workcompleted3.Square footage of work surface4.Man-hours expended9-39.The grade of the ditch is measuredat what point?1.The shoulder of the ditch2.The flow line of the ditch3.The bottom of ditch4.Both 2 and 3 above9-40.When you stake out culverts, thedetail of the work is based uponwhat factor?1.Complexity of the culvert2.Length of the culvert3.Depth of the culvert4.Location of the culvert9-41.The ground support at the endof a bridge is called1.a pier2.an abutment3.a bent4.the bridge support9-42.When a bridge does not align atright angles to the road or stream,this term is defined as1.a near-side abutment2.a far-side abutment3.an askewed abutment4.a misaligned abutmentIN ANSWERING QUESTION 9-43, REFER TOFIGURE 10-15 IN YOUR TEXTBOOK.9-43.At the time the skew angle isturned the instrument is locatedat which intersection?1.A girder center line and neatline of the abutment face2.The railroad center line andthe outside edge of thefoundation3.The railroad center line andneat line of the abutment face4.A girder center line and theoutside line of the foundation9-44.When laying out the wing walls,what point(s) should you use?1.The center line of the road2.The faces of the abutments3.The offset stakes4.The wing wall guide stakes9-45.A two pier bridge is to be builtacross a river. By triangulation,you are locating the sites of thepiers. The base line should be ofwhat minimum length to ensure well-proportioned triangles?1.One half of the distancebetween the stakes establishingthe bridge center line2.Twice the distance between thestakes establishing the bridgecenter line3.One half of the distancebetween the stakes establishingthe piers4.Twice the distance between thestakes establishing the piers9-46.After the first pile is driven, atemplate is attached to it. Whatis the purpose of the template?1.To assist in positioning otherpiles2.To assist in positioning theguy lines3.To aid in marking piles forlength4.To aid in measuring thedistance between piles63
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