9-10.When you stake pole locations, theguard stake for the offset hubcontains which of the followinginformation?1.Finished elevation2.Line elevation3.Station number4.Existing elevation9-11.When laying out a route for towers,how are changes in directionhandled?1.In 30° increments2.In 15° increments3.In whatever manner possible4.In a gradual curve in asuccession of chordsLearning Objective: Recognizeprinciples and practicesassociated with natural andartificial drainage.9-12.What type of drainage system isthe most desirable way to removesurface water?1.Underground2.Open ditch3.Collection ponds4.French drain9-13.What does the term runoff mean inrelation to drainage?1.The amount of rainfall notabsorbed2.Water attempting to attain thelowest point due to gravity3.Only the water collected incollection ponds4.Water carried by the stormsewer system9-14.Artificial drainage is used forwhat purpose?1.To aid the natural drainage2.To impede the natural drainage3.To offset damage to the naturaldrainage due to construction4.To improve the efficiency ofthe drainage ditches9-15.The walls constructed at theoutfall of a culvert are called1.wing walls2.catch basin walls3.end walls4.outlet walls9-16.What appurtenance for a storm sewersystem is located where trunk linesconverge?1.A manhole2.A box3.A junction box4.A grate9-17.Stationing for sewer pipe is laidout in what manner?1.By the length of the pipe2.By the horizontal distancecovered3.By the vertical distancecovered4.By any of the above methods9-18.A plan and profile of a storm sewerline is developed after which ofthe following surveys?1.Preliminary2.Reconnaissance3.Final-location4.As-builtLearning Objective: Computecross sections by resolvinginto triangles, by formula forthree-level section, and bycoordinates for a five-level orirregular section.9-19.Area by resolution involves divid-ing the area into what type offigures for ease of calculation?1.Irregular polygons2.Trapezoids3.Triangles4.Both 2 and 3 above60
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