9-29.Using the average-end-area method,what is the volume between stations2 + 00 and 3 + 00?1.69.0 cu yd2.712.4 cu yd3.1,424.8 cu yd4.2,429.6 cu ydLearning Objective: Apply prin-ciples and procedures associatedwith the use of the mass diagrammethod to balance cut and fillas well as to limit haul distancein earthwork construction.9-30.What is the importance of knowingthe swell and compaction factorsof the different types of soil?1.Determining the differentvolumes of the soil in variousconditions2.Determining the shrinkage ofthe volume when excavated3.Determining the loss ofmaterial when hauled4.Determining the waste createdduring excavation9-31.What is considered the limit ofeconomic haul?1.When the cost of the haulequals the cost of excavation2.Any distance over 1,000 ft3.One half of the free hauldistance4.When the cost of excavationequals twice the cost of thehaul9–32 .What distance is normallyconsidered the free-haul distance?1.400 ft2.500 ft3.750 ft4.1,000 ft9-33.When you prepare the table ofcumulative yardage, how are thevolumes obtained?1.By scaling the cross sections2.By area-by-formula method3.By average end area anddistance9-34.The term balance line refers tothe point on a mass diagram where1.a cut becomes a fill2.a fill becomes a cut3.the haul limit is exceeded4.the volume of fill equalsthe volume of cut9-35.On a mass diagram, what termdescribes the section where afill becomes a cut?1.Minimum yardage2.Maximum yardage3.Balance line4.Line of zero yardageLearning Objective: Recognizethe procedures of performingstakeout and as-built surveysfor bridges, culverts, andunderground utilities.9-36.As-built surveys are performed todetermine which of the followingpurposes?1.Quantity of work left tocomplete2.Points as actually constructed3.Quantity of work actuallycompleted4.Both 2 and 3 above9-37.At what point in constructionshould as-built data be collected?1.At the completion of a sectionof the work2.At the end of a job3.At the completion of work foreach sheet of the drawing4.Each of the above62
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