10-26.By which of the following methodswould the corners of a large navalstation normally be located for aboundary survey?1.Transit-tape survey2.Triangulation3.Geodetic survey4.Traversing10-27.The precision of a land survey isdetermined on the basis of whichof the following factors?1.Experience of the surveyor2.Value of the property3.Types of structures thatwill be constructed nearthe boundary lines4.Both 2 and 3 aboveLearning Objective: Recognizeterms associated with horizontalcurves; identify types andelements of horizontal curves;identify some basic formulasassociated with simplecomputation.10-28.A highway is composed of a seriesof curves and straight lines. Theterm for these straight lines is1.traverses2.radii3.tangents4.center lines10-29.What is the principle considera-tion in curve design?1.Speed of the highway2.Degree of curvature3.Length of the radius4.Both 2 and 3 above10-30.What type of curve consists oftwo joined circular curves thathave radii on the same side ofthe highway?1.Simple2.Compound3.Spiral4.ReverseA.Degree of curveB.Point of curveC. External distanceD.Central angleFigure 10AIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 10-31 THROUGH10-36, SELECT FROM FIGURE 10A THE ELEMENTOF A CURVE DESCRIBED BY THE ITEM.INDIVIDUAL RESPONSES MAY BE USED MORETHAN ONCE OR NOT AT ALL.10-31.The angular value that is equalto the intersecting angle (I):1. A2. B3. C4. D10-32.The angle formed by two radii thatsubtend an arc of 100 feet:1. A2. B3. C4. D10-33.A point on the curve:1. A2. B3. C4. D10-34.The angle formed by the radiiof a simple curve:1. A2. B3. C4. D10-35.This determines the flatnessor sharpness of a highway:1. A2. B3. C4. D69
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