Figure 7-25.—Coordinate entries for computation of figure 7-24.Figure 7-26.—First step for tabulated computation of figure 7-24.Figure 7-25 shows the coordinate entries. You cansee that the Y coordinate of A equals the latitude of DA,or 591.64 feet, while the X coordinate of A is zero. TheY coordinate of B equals the Y coordinate of A plus thelatitude of AB or 591.64 + 255.96 = 847.60 feet.The X coordinate of B equals the departure of AB,or 125.66 feet. The Y coordinate of C equals the Ycoordinate of B minus the latitude of BC o r847.60 – 153.53 = 694.07 feet.The X coordinate of C equals the X coordinate of Bplus the departure of BC or 125.66 + 590.65 = 716.31feel.The Y coordinate of D obviously is zero; however,it computes as the Y coordinate of C minus the latitudeof CD of 694.07 – 694.07, which serves as a check. TheX coordinate of D equals the X coordinate of C minusthe departure of CD or 716.31 – 192.69 = 523.62 feet.‘This is the same as the departure of DA, but with anopposite sign—a fact which serves as another check.7-18
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