Figure 14-6.—Resentation of CBR data.section is keyed to the construction currently beingdone. The person making soils tests in the laboratorytoday may be performing slump tests on the jobsitetomorrow. The testing section is usually small; andtherefore, each person in the section must be trained tocope with all testing problems. In short, one of yourmain responsibilities as a supervisor is to train yourpeople.QUESTIONSThe following questions are strictly for your use indetermining how well you understand the topicsdiscussed in this chapter AND IN THE REFERENCESSPECIFICALLY CITED IN THIS CHAPTER. Theintent of these questions is to help you to learn thetopics contained in the chapter and in the references.Remember: when you participate in the advancementexamination for EA1, you may be asked questions thatare drawn not only from this TRAMAN but also fromthe cited references as well. Therefore, it is to yourbenefit to answer the review questions. You do NOThave to submit your answers to these review questionsto anyone for grading. Similar review questions areincluded at the end of each chapter. After answering thequestions, you may turn to appendix VI of this book tosee how well you performed.Q1.Q2.14-13In the normal 55-hour battalion workweek yourEAs have produced 600 man-hours of labor.How many man-days of labor does this equateto?In general, the majority of the work that EAsperform while in a battalion should beconsidered as what type of labor?
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