1-58.W h e n t h e e n g i n e e r o f f i c e r i sabsent, the EDO makes his reportsto which of the following officers?1.A or B2.B or J3.E or G4.G or H1-59.The engineering department’scondition V watch organization isthe direct responsibility of whato f f i c e r?1. C2. E3. F4. I1-60.What ship’s officer(s) may serve ascommand duty officer?1.A l l o f f i c e rs2.A l l o f f i c e r s e l i g i b l e f orcommand at sea only3.The executive officer only4.The engineer officer only1-61.When the ship receives power fromthe dock, what watch mans theengineering spaces?1.Auxiliary2.c o l d i r on3.Fireroom4.S e c u r i ty1-62.After the daily engineering watchbill has been approved, it may bechanged only with the approval ofwhat person(s)?1.The CDO2.The EOOW or OOD3.The engineer officer or hisrepresentative4.The engineer officer only1-63.What officer or petty officer hasdirect responsibility to be sureA. DirectiveB. InstructionC. Military procedureD. Military orderE. Military policyF. Military regulationG. Navy instructionH. Navy noticeI. Ship’s billproperly to their watch stations?1.EOOW2. EDO3.Division duty petty officer4.Leading chief petty officer( LCPO )engineering personnel report1-64.1-65.1-66The division duty petty officers inengineering report to what officer?1.The executive officer2. The CDO3.The EDO4.The LCPOWhen the division officer isabsent, what person oversees thebusiness of the division?1.The LCPO2.The division duty petty officer3.The EDO4.The CDOWhat watch uses the ship’sequipment to furnish power in port?1.Auxiliary2.Fireroom3.Engine room4.c o l d i r onFigure 1FIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-67 THROUGH 1-72,CHOOSE THE DOCUMENT FROM FIGURE 1-F THATIS DEFINED IN THE QUESTION.1-67.A series of coordinated steps inthe performance of a function.1. A2. C3. F4. H7
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