ASSIGNMENT 2Textbook Assignment: “Record System,” chapter 2, all, and “Training,” chapter 3, all.2-1. As coordinator of administrative2-6.The Engineering Log will bemaintained on board for what2-2.2-3.2-4matters of ships assigned, theTYCOM issues directives accordingto what publication?1.SECNAVINST P5212.5C2.OPNAVINST 5120.2E3.OPNAVINST 5214.2B4.NAVOSHINST 5119.CWhat manual provides guidance forrecord handling responsibilities?1.The department manual only2.The division manual only3.The department and divisionalorganization manuals4.The 3-M manualYou will find up-to-date andcurrent forms issued to forcesafloat in what publication?1.NAVSUP 20022.GENSPEC 5130.2B3.OPNAVINST 51OO.19F4.NAVSUPUB 5800.2When a ship is removed from thelist of naval ships, what is thedisposition of the Engineering Logand Bell Book?1.They are retained on boarduntil the ship is reactivated2.They are forwarded to thenearest records managementcenter3.They are released for disposal4.They are forwarded to NAVSEA2-5.When the commanding officer hassigned the Engineering Log, it maybe changed only under which of thefollowing conditions, if any?1.With the engineer officer’spermission2.If it has been completed inp e n c il3.With the CO’s permission ord i r e c t i o n4.Noneminimum number of years?1. One2 . T w o3. Three4 . F o u r2-7.The throttleman’s assistant maymake entries in the Engineer’s BellBook under which of the followingconditions?1.While being relieved for chowin condition I2.During special evolutions thatinvolve frequent speed changes3.Whenever an assistant ispresent4.When conducting ECC drills2-8.When the last entry has been madein the Engineering Bell Book beforethe watch changes, it should besigned by which of the followingpersons?1.The upper levelman2.The EOOW3.The engineer officer4.The MPA2-9.General operating records arenormally retained on board for whatminimum period of time?1.1 year2.2 years3.3 years4.4 years2-10.When the EOOW is NOT stationed inthe engine room, which of thefollowing persons may sign theEngineer’s Bell Book?1.The throttleman2.The senior person assigned tothe space3.T h e s p a c e s u p e r v i s o r4.T h e d i v i s i o n o f f i c e r9
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